Preparing an External HSM for the ActivID Appliance

  • Install and configure your Entrust nShield Connect HSM (refer to the technical documentation provided with your HSM)

    • The recommended firmware version is 12.60.11.

    • This version is part of Entrust Security World Software for nShield distribution.

  • You have the CD containing the Entrust Security World Software for nShield (recommended version is 12.60.11) that needs to be installed on the RFS.

  • You have the following client licenses for Entrust nShield Connect HSM:

  • One license for the RFS (HSM Remote File System).

  • One license per ActivID Appliance in your deployment.

    For example, in a High Availability deployment, you need three licensees – one for the RFS and one for each of the two appliances.

Configure the HSM and the RFS

This section describes the basic configuration steps to configure the HSM and RFS.

For complete instructions, refer to the technical documentation provided with your HSM.

Note: The procedure below is illustrated with menu indications for the Entrust nShield Connect 6000 HSM.
  1. On the HSM:

    1. Configure the Ethernet interface (IP address/netmask of the HSM) and leave the link speed set to auto/1Gb (HSM menu 1-1-1-1).

    2. Set the default gateway (HSM menu 1-1-1-3).

    3. “Ping” or “Trace route” the RFS and the ActivID Appliance(s) (menu 1-1-1-6 or 1-1-1-7).

  1. On the RFS:

    1. Install the Security World Software.

      The following is an example of a shell script to automate the installation if the Security World Software payload (for example, folder “linux/libc6_11”) is copied into the <NSHIELD_DISTRIB> folder defined in the script.

      # Create nfast and ncsnmpd system users
      useradd -r -m -d $NFAST_HOME -s /bin/bash -c "nFast" nfast
      useradd -r -m -d $NFAST_HOME -s /bin/bash -c "nFast" ncsnmpd
      # untar distribution
      cd /
      find $NSHIELD_DISTRIB -name '*.tar' -exec /bin/tar xf '{}' \;
      # install
      $NFAST_HOME/sbin/install || {
          echo "fail to install nShield Connect Security World Software"
      chown -R nfast:nfast $NFAST_HOME
    2. Add a firewall rule to open 9004 inbound TCP port.

    3. Switch to the nfast user account.

      su - nfast
    4. Check that the HSM is operational using the following command (output of the command should show “mode operational” for the “Server” section):

    5. Retrieve the ESN and keyhash of the HSM using the following command:

      anonkneti <HSM-IP>

      For example:

      FFDF-E4F6-9787 b4cdac0cb25c2326c3de1886b8fb205d119529f0
    6. Create the RFS directory structure using the following command:

      rfs-setup --force <HSM-IP> <HSM-ESN> <HSM-KNETI-hash>

      For example:

      $> rfs-setup --force FFDF-E4F6-9787 b4cdac0cb25c2326c3de1886b8fb205d119529f0
      Adding read-only remote_file_system entries
      Ensuring the directory /opt/nfast/kmdata/local exists
      Adding new writable remote_file_system entries
      Ensuring the directory /opt/nfast/kmdata/hsm-FFDF-E4F6-9787 exists
      Ensuring the directory /opt/nfast/femcerts exists
      Ensuring the directory /opt/nfast/kmdata/hsm-FFDF-E4F6-9787/features exists
      Ensuring the directory /opt/nfast/kmdata/hsm-FFDF-E4F6-9787/config exists
      Ensuring the directory /opt/nfast/log/hsm-FFDF-E4F6-9787 exists
      Saving the new config file and configuring the hardserver
  2. On the HSM:

    1. Configure the HSM to use the RFS by entering the IP address of the RFS machine and leaving the port number as the default (9004) (HSM menu 1-1-3).

    2. (Optional) Allow HSM configuration files on the RFS to be modified and then loaded to the module by turning on the auto push (HSM menu 1-1-6-2).

    3. Configure the HSM log file storage and append the option to allow storing the log files on the RFS and HSM (HSM menu 1-1-7).

    4. Set the time and date as UTC (HSM menu 1-1-8).

    5. Add the RFS and the ActivID Appliance(s) as HSM clients by entering the remote client IP address and setting the client permission to unprivileged (HSM menu 1-1-4-1).

    6. Create a new security world FIPS 140-2 level 3 and Cipher suite AES (HSM menu 3-2-1).

      At this point, the Administrator Card Set (ACS) is created:

      • Each card set consists of a number of smart cards, N, of which a smaller number, K, is required to authorize an action. The required number K is known as the quorum.

      • For the ACS, the value for K should be less than N and not equal to 1.

  1. On the RFS:

    1. Verify that the security world data is present locally using the following command:

      ls –l /opt/nfast/kmdata/local

      For example, the output with a security world present is:

      -rw-r--r-- 1 nfast nfast   128 Jul 23 09:38 card_849a96545928fa28759273fad3272961c42a4657_1
      -rw-r--r-- 1 nfast nfast   808 Jul 23 09:38 cards_849a96545928fa28759273fad3272961c42a4657
      -rw-r--r-- 1 nfast nfast   856 Jul 22 14:22 module_FFDF-E4F6-9787
      drwxrwsr-x 2 nfast nfast  4096 Jul 22 16:38 sync-store
      -rw-r--r-- 1 nfast nfast 17964 Jul 22 14:22 world
    2. As the nfast user account, use the following commands to:

      • Configure the TCP socket for Entrust KeySafe™ utility usage:

        config-serverstartup --enable-tcp --enable-privileged-tcp
      • Configure RFS to use the HSM as unprivileged client:

        nethsmenroll -V <HSM-IP> <HSM-ESN> <HSM-KNETI-hash>
    3. As the root user account, restart the HSM local agent (hardserver) using the following command:

      /opt/nfast/sbin/init.d-ncipher restart

Creating the HSM Keys and Certificates

Before you can migrate to an external HSM and add ActivID security domains, you must create the following keys/certificates in the external HSM:

  • ActivID Appliance keys – a set of five AES-256 keys used to protect sensitive information and assure integrity of data in the ActivID Appliance database

    The keys are managed in consistent key set for the following roles:

    • AUDIT – Audit signature

    • CREDS – User credentials are encrypted with the key role (replaces the des and DeviceSecretsKey keys of previous versions of the ActivID Appliance)

    • DSIGN – Database row integrity signature (DataSignature)

    • SESSION – sessions (ALSI)

    • SYS – System credentials (adapter parameters) (replaces the ParameterValueKey key of previous versions of the ActivID Appliance)

  • IDP keys/certificates – for each ActivID security domain, the following RSA-2048 key/certificate pairs are used for SAML support:

    • IDP Signature RSA-2048 key/certificate – certificate key usage should be “Digital Signature”.

    • IDP Encryption RSA-2048 key/certificate – certificate key usage should be “Key Encipherment” and “Data Encipherment”.

Warning! The keys/certificates labels and names are case-sensitive and must be spelt correctly.

If they are incorrect, the appliance will not be able to use the HSM and it will not function properly.

Create the ActivID Appliance Keys

Before installing the ActivID Appliance, you must create the HSM encryption keys that protect the sensitive information in the ActivID databases and assure database integrity.

ActivID Appliance supports the following levels of key protection:

  • Module-protected keys

  • OCS-protected keys (using Operator Card Sets)

Note: For security reasons, it is recommended that you use OCS-protected keys.

Create the ActivID Database keys using the Entrust KeySafe utility or command line utility (for further information, refer to the technical documentation provided with your HSM):

The following are examples to create module-protected keys.

Using the KeySafe utility:

  1. As the nfast user account, launch the KeySafe utility (<NFAST_HOME>/bin/ksafe).

  1. Click Keys in the left panel, and then click Create.

  2. Select PKCS#11 in the applications list and then click Next.

  3. Enter the following properties:

    • Protected by – module

    • Key recovery: yes

    • Key type – AES

    • Key size – 256

    • Key name: <keyname>

    • Blob in NVRAM – No

  1. Click Commit.

Using the command line utility:

As the nfast user account, create the keys using the following command:

<NFAST_HOME>/bin/generatekey pkcs11 type=AES size=256 protect=module nvram=no plainname=<keyname>

Create the Operator Card Sets

The Operator Card Set is required to recover ActivID Appliance domain administrator users (ftadmin and ftinit).

Optionally, create and Operator Card set (or re-use an existing set) to protect the ActivID Appliance keys.

For instructions, refer to the technical documentation provided with your HSM.

Creating the ActivID IDP Keys/Certificates

The following PKCS#11 keys names (aliases) should be created in the HSM for each security domain:



Each key should be created with the following properties:

  • Key type – RSA

  • Key size – 2048

  • Protected by – module

  • Blob in NVRAM – No

Important: ActivID Key names are case-sensitive (that is, if <domain> value is “MyDomain”, then the key name for the IDP encryption certificate should be “IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain”).

However, during the ActivID IDP Keys/Certificates creation process, a temporary key in lowercase is created (key_hwcrhk_rsa-idpcertencryptionmydomain). This key will not be used as such and is deleted at the end of the process.

Create a Self-Signed IDP Certificate

  • The procedure below is illustrated using module-protected keys and with an IDP encryption certificate for a domain called MyDomain

    If you are using OCS-protected keys, in the commands detailed in the following sections, you must replace -n by -c <OCS name> (where <OCS name> is the label defined for the OCS card set)

  • Commands should be launched as the nfast user account

  1. To configure ‘openssl’ for IDP certificates key usage, edit the <NFAST_HOME>/lib/ssleay/openssl.cnf file by adding the following sections:

    [ idp_encryption ]
    keyUsage = dataEncipherment, keyEncipherment
    [ idp_signature ]
    keyUsage = digitalSignature
    Note: From this point on, the “openssl” utility is used with either the -extensions idp_encryption or -extensions idp_signature option depending on the IDP certificate type (encryption or signature).
  1. Generate an RSA key pair for the Crypto Hardware Interface Library (CHIL) application.

    The hwcrhk parameter value is the application name for the CHIL applications.

    <NFAST_HOME>/bin/generatekey hwcrhk type=RSA size=2048 protect=module nvram=no ident=idpcertencryptionMyDomain
    OPTIONAL: pubexp: Public exponent for RSA key (hex)? []
    key generation parameters:
    operation   Operation to perform             generate
    application Application                            hwcrhk
    protect       Protected by                          module
    verify          Verify security of key             yes
    type            Key type                                RSA
    size            Key size                                 2048
    pubexp      Public exponent for RSA key (hex)
    ident          Key identifier                         idpcertencryptionmydomain
    nvram        Blob in NVRAM (needs ACS)    no
    Key successfully generated.
    Path to key: /opt/nfast/kmdata/local/key_hwcrhk_rsa-idpcertencryptionmydomain

    This temporary key is generated with lowercase domain name, and not the original case.

  1. Generate the self-signed certificate using “openssl”:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<NFAST_HOME>/toolkits/hwcrhk
    <NFAST_HOME>/bin/openssl req -new -days 1825 –sha256 -engine chil \
       -config <NFAST_HOME>/lib/ssleay/openssl.cnf \
       -extensions idp_encryption \
       -key rsa-idpcertencryptionmydomain -keyform engine -x509 \
       -out /tmp/IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain.pem \
       -subj "/OU=MyDomain/O=HID/CN=ACTIVID IDP Encryption"
    engine "chil" set.
    • In the example, the IDP encryption certificate duration is set to 5 years (1825 days).

    • The “key” corresponds to temporary key created in previous step (lowercase). However, for the output, you must specify your <domain> name with correct case.

  1. Duplicate the RSA key pair for PKCS#11 application:

    <NFAST_HOME>/bin/generatekey --retarget pkcs11 from-application=hwcrhk plainname=IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain
    from-ident: Source key identifier? (rsa-idpcertencryptionmydomain)
      [default rsa-idpcertencryptionmydomain] >
    key generation parameters:
    operation             Operation to perform    retarget
    application           Application                   pkcs11
    verify                   Verify security of key     yes
    from-application  Source application         hwcrhk
    from-ident           Source key identifier      rsa-idpcertencryptionmydomain
    plainname            Key name                      IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain
    Key successfully retargetted.
    Path to key: /opt/nfast/kmdata/local/key_pkcs11_ua59677affe039c8ab700772b93c99a812da690357

    This generates a PKCS#11 key pair identifier that is the value following the key_pkcs11_” value in the “Path to key displayed by the above command. In this example, ua59677affe039c8ab700772b93c99a812da690357

  1. Retrieve the key pair identifier (for sanity checks):

    <NFAST_HOME>/bin/cklist -n --cka-label=IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain | grep CKA_NFKM_ID
      CKA_NFKM_ID "ua59677affe039c8ab700772b93c99a812da690357"
      CKA_NFKM_ID "ua59677affe039c8ab700772b93c99a812da690357"

    The key pair identifier corresponding to the value of the “CKA_NFKM_ID” should match the value obtained in the previous step.

  1. Import and bind the certificate to the key pair:

    <NFAST_HOME>/bin/ckcerttool -n -f /tmp/IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain.pem -k ua59677affe039c8ab700772b93c99a812da690357 –L IDP_CERT_ENCRYPTION_MyDomain
    Certificate found, processing...
    Certificate successfully imported.
    Run cklist to view your certificate object.
  1. Using the Entrust KeySafe utility, remove the RSA key pair (identified by idpcertencryptionmydomain) created above as it is no longer needed.

  2. Repeat the steps above to create the IDP signature certificate (IDP_CERT_SIGNATURE_MyDomain).

Create a CA Trusted IDP Certificate

  • The procedure below is illustrated using module-protected keys

    If you are using OCS-protected keys, in the commands detailed in the following sections, you must replace -n by -c <OCS name> (where <OCS name> is the label defined for the OCS card set)

  • Commands should be launched as the nfast user account

  1. From the RFS, generate key pair and certificate request:

  1. Obtain the certificate from the CA and upload it in PEM format:

    1. Submit the certificate request (<IDP_CERT_XXX_YYY>_req) to the CA.

      Important: Make sure that you request the IDP certificate with the correct key usage.
    2. Upload the PEM format of the certificate into the <path> folder on the RFS.

      For example, if a “.CER” format has to be obtained from a Microsoft Windows CA, then:

      • Copy the <filename>.cer file into the <path> folder on the RFS.

      • Use the following openssl command to convert it to a PEM format:

        openssl x509 -inform der -in <path>/<filename>.cer -outform pem -out <path>/<IDP_CERT_XXX_YYY>.pem
  1. From the RFS, import and bind the certificate to the key pair:

    1. Import and bind the certificate to the key pair:

      <NFAST_HOME>/bin/ckcerttool -n -f /<path>/<IDP_CERT_XXX_YYY>.pem -k <IDP_CERT_XXX_YYY_KEYID> -L <IDP_CERT_XXX_YYY>
      Certificate found, processing...
      Certificate successfully imported.
      Run cklist to view your certificate object.
    2. Check the HSM content:

      <NFAST_HOME>/bin/cklist -n --cka-label=IDP_CERT_XXX_YYY | grep CKA_CLASS

Renewing an IDP Certificate

To renew an IDP certificate, the data related to this certificate (key pair and certificate) should be removed from the HSM before creating the new data.