HID Approve SDK for iOS/macOS
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Deprecated List
Class <HIDTransactionInfo>
Deprecated in SDK 5.7.1. was replaced by HIDServerActionInfo
Member [HIDDevice-p retrieveTransactionInfo:error:]
Deprecated in SDK 5.7.1. This method is no longer acceptable to retrieve transaction information. Use HIDDevice#retrieveActionInfo:error:.
Member [HIDDevice-p updateDeviceInfo:withValue:withPassword:withParams:error:]
Deprecated in SDK 5.1. Integrations should replace calls with the HIDContainer.updateDeviceInfo:withParams:error: method.
Member [HIDDeviceFactory newInstance:withSessionPassword:error:]
Deprecated in SDK 5.5. Integrations should replace calls with the newInstance:error: method.
Member [HIDTransactionInfo-p getContainer:]
Deprecated in SDK 5.7.1.
Member [HIDTransactionInfo-p getTransaction:withParams:error:]
Deprecated in SDK 5.7.1.
Member [HIDTransactionInfo-p getTransactionProtectionKey:]
Deprecated in SDK 5.7.1.
Member [HIDTransactionInfo-p getUniqueIdentifier]
Deprecated in SDK 5.7.1.