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<HIDPasswordPolicy> Protocol Reference

Protection Policy with password specific constraints. More...

#import <HIDProtectionPolicy.h>

Inheritance diagram for <HIDPasswordPolicy>:
<HIDProtectionPolicy> <HIDBioPasswordPolicy>

Instance Methods

(BOOL) - changePassword:new:error:
 Changes the password bound to the protection policy identified by the protection policyId parameter. New password must respect the defined protection policy restrictions. More...
(int) - currentAge
 Get current password age since last change. More...
(int) - getCacheTimeout
 Gets password cache timeout. More...
(BOOL) - isCacheEnabled
 Gets password cache flag. More...
(BOOL) - isSequenceAllowed
 Gets password sequence allowed flag. More...
(int) - maxAge
 Get maximum age for a password. This determines how long (in days) users can keep a password before they have to change it. If 0, indicates that the password never expires. More...
(int) - maxAlpha
 Get maximum number of alphabetical characters. More...
(int) - maxHistory
 Get max password history limit. This security setting determines the number of unique new passwords that have to be associated with the the key before an old password can be reused. More...
(int) - maxLength
 Get maximum password length. More...
(int) - maxLowerCase
 Get maximum number of lower case letters. More...
(int) - maxNonAlpha
 Get maximum number of special characters (non alphanumeric). More...
(int) - maxNumeric
 Get maximum number of numeric characters. More...
(int) - maxUpperCase
 Get maximum number of upper case letters. More...
(int) - minAge
 Get minimum age for a password change. This security setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. It must be less than the maximum password age. If 0, indicates to allow changes immediately. More...
(int) - minAlpha
 Get minimum number of alphabetical characters. More...
(int) - minLength
 Get minimum password length. More...
(int) - minLowerCase
 Get minimum number of lower case letters. More...
(int) - minNonAlpha
 Get minimum number of special characters (non alphanumeric). More...
(int) - minNumeric
 Get the minimum number of numeric characters. More...
(int) - minUpperCase
 Get minimum number of upper case letters. More...
(BOOL) - verifyPassword:error:
 When password caching is enabled, will verify and cache the password protecting the key for transaction signing. The cache is deleted when cache timeout is reached or cached password is used. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <HIDProtectionPolicy>
(id< HIDLockPolicy >) - lockPolicy
 Returns the lock policy. More...
(HIDIdentifier *) - policyId
 Returns the protection policy identifier. More...
(HIDPolicyType- policyType
 Returns the protection policy type. More...

Detailed Description

Protection Policy with password specific constraints.

The restrictions may be any or all of the following:

  • Min and max character length
  • Min number of uppercase characters
  • Min number of lowercase characters
  • Min number of numeric characters
  • Min number of letter characters
  • Min number of symbol (non alphanumeric) characters
  • Max number of uppercase characters
  • Max number of lowercase characters
  • Max number of numeric characters
  • Max number of letter characters
  • Max number of symbol (non alphanumeric) characters
  • Min and Max age
  • Max password history
  • Allow/prohibit sequential characters

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) changePassword: (NSString *)  oldPassword
new: (NSString *)  newPassword
error: (NSError **)  error 

Changes the password bound to the protection policy identified by the protection policyId parameter. New password must respect the defined protection policy restrictions.

oldPasswordold key password.
newPasswordnew key password.
errorerror details. It may be nil.

Possible error codes are:

YES if password was successfully changed.
- (int) currentAge

Get current password age since last change.

the current password age in days.
- (int) getCacheTimeout

Gets password cache timeout.

the cache timeout in seconds.
- (BOOL) isCacheEnabled

Gets password cache flag.

whether password cache is enabled.
- (BOOL) isSequenceAllowed

Gets password sequence allowed flag.

sequence allowed
- (int) maxAge

Get maximum age for a password. This determines how long (in days) users can keep a password before they have to change it. If 0, indicates that the password never expires.

the maximum password age in days.
- (int) maxAlpha

Get maximum number of alphabetical characters.

the maximum number of alphabetical characters.
- (int) maxHistory

Get max password history limit. This security setting determines the number of unique new passwords that have to be associated with the the key before an old password can be reused.

the maximum password history size.
- (int) maxLength

Get maximum password length.

the maximum password length.
- (int) maxLowerCase

Get maximum number of lower case letters.

the maximum number of lower case letters.
- (int) maxNonAlpha

Get maximum number of special characters (non alphanumeric).

the maximum number of special characters.
- (int) maxNumeric

Get maximum number of numeric characters.

the maximum number of digits.
- (int) maxUpperCase

Get maximum number of upper case letters.

the maximum number of upper case letters.
- (int) minAge

Get minimum age for a password change. This security setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. It must be less than the maximum password age. If 0, indicates to allow changes immediately.

the minimum password age in days.
- (int) minAlpha

Get minimum number of alphabetical characters.

the minimum number of alphabetical characters.
- (int) minLength

Get minimum password length.

the minimum password length.
- (int) minLowerCase

Get minimum number of lower case letters.

the minimum number of lower case letters.
- (int) minNonAlpha

Get minimum number of special characters (non alphanumeric).

the minimum number of special characters.
- (int) minNumeric

Get the minimum number of numeric characters.

the minimum number of digits.
- (int) minUpperCase

Get minimum number of upper case letters.

the minimum number of upper case letters.
- (BOOL) verifyPassword: (NSString *)  password
error: (NSError **)  error 

When password caching is enabled, will verify and cache the password protecting the key for transaction signing. The cache is deleted when cache timeout is reached or cached password is used.

passwordthe key password.
errorerror details. It may be nil.

Possible error codes are:

The key in its primary encoding format, or nil if an error occurred.
See also
- getCacheTimeout
- isCacheEnabled