ActivID ActivClient Setup Customization Options

Customize the Feature Installation

ActivClient Setup allows you to customize the behavior of different features one at a time. That is, it is possible to disable or hide a feature during the installation or force it to be installed.

Important: MSI customization done on the distributed MSI file will invalidate the MSI digital signature and this must be then re-signed internally for meeting Microsoft security criteria.
Note: The ActivClient base services node and feature are a mandatory part of ActivClient installation and cannot be removed from it; thus, they do not have a public property.

List of Features

The following table lists the features that you can use to customize the ActivClient setup program:


Feature Name Feature Title


Microsoft Smart Card Mini Driver Support


Microsoft Outlook Usability Enhancements


PKCS#11 Support

InitTool PIN Init Tool


User Console




Card auto-update service with ActivID CMS


US Department of Defense configuration


Configuration Management


Online Help

  • When you install the ActivClient PKCS#11 library, for compliance with the US Government GSC-IS specifications, ActivClient records the location of the PKCS#11 library in a standard registry:


  • The Troubleshooting feature includes the Advanced Diagnostics tool.


In addition to the features visible in the ActivClient installation user interface, there are also additional properties that enable you to prevent the installation of components that are otherwise always installed as part of the Base Components:


Property Name Property Description


PIV API support is automatically installed with the common services. This property can be used to remove this support.

This customization can only be executed once at ActivClient installation (first installation or upgrade) and cannot be updated through a modify command execution afterwards.


GSC-IS BSI API support is automatically installed with the common services. This property can be used to remove this support.

This customization can only be executed once at ActivClient installation (first installation or upgrade) and cannot be updated through a modify command execution afterwards.


If you do not want to install the PIV API, use the command:

msiexec.exe /i "<path>\<ActivClient setup>.msi" PIVAPIREMOVE=1

Customize the Installation Path

To set the installation directory, use the property INSTALLDIR in the following command:

msiexec.exe  /i "<path>\<ActivClient setup>.msi" INSTALLDIR="<InstallationDIR>"


  • <path>is the ActivClient setup MSI file path.

  • <ActivClient setup> is the ActivClient setup MSI file.

  • <InstallationDIR> is the desired installation directory; for example, D:\Program Files.

Customize the Setup Behavior

Customize the Setup Restart Behavior

In some installation cases, the ActivClient setup program must restart at the end of the installation process. In order to skip the restart at that point (for example, if another program is to be installed after ActivClient), or to force it, use the REBOOT property.

REBOOT value Description
Force Forces the restart but stops if an error occurs.
ForceAlways Forces the restart without checking the errors.

Suppresses prompts for a restart at the end of the installation, but still prompts the user with an option to restart whenever the ForceReboot action is present.

If there is no user interface (that is, a blind setup), then the system automatically restarts at each ForceReboot.

Restarts at the end of the installation (for example, caused by an attempt to install a file already in use) are suppressed.


Suppresses all restarts and restart prompts initiated by a ForceReboot action.

Suppresses all restarts and restart prompts at the end of the installation. Both the restart prompt and the restart itself are suppressed. For example, the restart at the end of the installation caused by an attempt to install a file in use are suppressed.

You can use the REBOOT property as follows:

  • To force the restart:

    msiexec.exe  /i "<path>\<ActivClient setup>.msi" REBOOT=Force


    <path>is the ActivClient setup MSI file path.

    <ActivClient setup> is the ActivClient setup MSI file.

  • To disable the restart:

    msiexec.exe /i "<path>\<ActivClient setup>.msi" REBOOT=ReallySuppress


    • <path>is the ActivClient setup MSI file path.

    • <ActivClient setup> is the ActivClient setup MSI file.

Run a Blind Setup

To run a blind setup (that is, one where no user interface is displayed), use the following command:

msiexec.exe  /i "<path>\<ActivClient setup>.msi"  /q


  • <path>is the ActivClient setup MSI file path.

  • <ActivClient setup> is the ActivClient setup MSI file.

These options can be combined with other Windows Installer command line options as described in the table below.

This table is available in the Windows Installer documentation.

/q n|b|r|f   Set the user interface level.

q , qn

No UI.



Basic UI.

Use qb! to hide the Wizard Cancel button.



Reduced UI with no modal dialog box displayed at the end of the installation.



Full UI and any authored FatalError, UserExit, or Exit modal dialog boxes at the end.



No UI except for a modal dialog box displayed at the end.



Basic UI with a modal dialog box displayed at the end.

The modal box is not displayed if the user cancels the installation.

Use qb+! or qb!+ to hide the Cancel button.



Basic UI with no modal dialog boxes.

Note: /qb+ is not a supported UI level. Use qb-! or qb!- to hide the Cancel button.

Avoid Conflict with Other MSI Products

To avoid installing ActivClient with some incompatible MSI products, you must add the ProductCode of the incompatible product into the Property table of ActivClient setup:

  • AC_PRODUCT_UNSUPPORTED_X must contain the ProductCode GUID of the incompatible product to detect. (By default, this list is empty.)

  • AC_PRODUCT_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE_LENGTH is the number of products to detect.

Install Root Certificates Automatically

During ActivClient installation, ActivClient checks a folder named Certificates and automatically installs the root certificates found in it. To set this up:

  1. Copy the ActivClient MSI i file from the Distribution package to the location from which you will perform the installation.

  2. In the folder to which you copy the ActivClient MSI file, create a folder named Certificates.

  3. Copy all root certificate files that must be installed into the Certificates folder.

Important: Certificate Formats
  • These certificate files (with .cer file extensions) must be 'DER encoded binary X.509'.

  • 'Base-64 encoded binary X.509' files are not supported.

Note: You need domain administrative access rights during setup to install root certificates.