Configure Adapters

An adapter provides notifications of defined audit and process events.

Prerequisites: To configure adapters, you must be assigned the Read Reference, Manage Adapter Configuration and Channel Configuration permissions.
Note: The default adapter configuration does not need to be modified in a standard deployment. You should only configure adapters if:
  • Required for push-based authentication customization.

  • New adapters are added for a specific integration purposes.

It is recommended that you contact HID Global Professional Service for assistance.

Create an Adapter

  1. Log on to the ActivID Management Console as an ActivID Administrator.
  2. Select the Configuration tab and, under Environment, select Adapters.
  3. All existing adapters are listed in a paged table. The total number of adapters is given in the lower left corner.

    Each row corresponds to an adapter. It provides the following information in the different columns:

    • Name – the name of the adapter.
    • Type – supported values are Process and Audit. A type is a group of categories.
    • Category – the category of the adapter depends on the type, and determines the list of parameters to configure.
    • Description – a user-friendly description of the adapter.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter the main information for the adapter:
    • Name – mandatory and should be unique for ease of administration.
    • Description – a user-friendly description of the adapter (optional).
  6. Select the Adapter Type:
    • Process – to send notifications of operational events (such as user validations).
    • Audit – to send notifications of audit events (such as device registrations).
  7. Note: If the Adapter Category list is empty, then Adapter Type option is not available.
  8. Select the Adapter Category to define of the adapter.

    The available categories depend on the selected Adapter Type.

    Adapter TypeCategories


    • CIBA HTTP callback process adapter
    • JWT Session Process Adapter
    • Mobile Action or Logon validation Notification adapter
    • OpenID client (organization) configuration


    Device registration feedback Adapter

  9. Define the Parameters for the adapter.

  10. Note: The available parameters depend on the selected Adapter Category. The list can also be empty.
  1. Click the Channels tab to bind the adapter to the required channel(s):

    1. Select the adapter position:
      • Pre-authentication
      • Post-authentication
    2. Note: An adapter can only be activated at a unique position in the authentication flow. That is, a given adapter cannot be applied pre-authentication for a channel and post-authentication for another channel.
    3. Drag and drop or use the arrows to move the required channels to the Activate on channel list.
    4. Note: If you change the position of the adapter later, then all the bindings are updated.

  2. Click Save to apply the adapter configuration.

Edit an Adapter

  1. Log on to the ActivID Management Console as an ActivID Administrator.
  2. Select the Configuration tab and, under Environment, select Adapters.
  3. Click the Name of the adapter that you want to edit.

  4. Edit the settings as required.
  5. All the fields are accessible and all settings can be modified except the:

    • Adapter Type
    • Adapter Category

    If you want to cancel the operation, click Back to List.

  6. Click Save to apply your changes.

Copy an Adapter

  1. Log on to the ActivID Management Console as an ActivID Administrator.
  2. Select the Configuration tab and, under Environment, select Adapters.
  3. Select the check box(es) of the adapter(s) that you want to copy and click Copy.

  4. The new adapters are added to the list, prefixed with Copy of.

    Note: The channel binding is NOT copied. You must edit the new adapters to configure the binding.
  5. Edit the settings as required.
  6. All the fields are accessible and all settings can be modified except the:

    • Adapter Type
    • Adapter Category

    If you want to cancel the operation, click Back to List.

  7. Click Save to apply your changes.

Delete an Adapter

  1. Log on to the ActivID Management Console as an ActivID Administrator.
  2. Select the Configuration tab and, under Environment, select Adapters.
  3. Select the check box(es) of the adapter(s) that you want to delete and click Delete.

  4. When prompted, click Yes.