Configure the Push-Based Validation Authentication Policies

For easy configuration/usage purposes, you can use the pre-configured Authentication Policies:

  • Mobile Registration authentication (AT_TDSOOB)

  • Mobile push-based Logon Validation (AT_PASA)

  • Mobile push-based Action Validation (AT_TDS)

  • Mobile application update (AT_SMK)

  • Customer One Time Password (AT_CUSTOTP)

In this case, you only need to:

  • Verify that these policies are enabled for the end user’s User Type (they are enabled by default).

  • Add the Azure Delivery adapters to the push-based authentication policies.


  1. Log on to the ActivID Management Console and select the Access Administration tab.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Under User Organization, select User Types.

  4. Select the User Type that corresponds to your push-based users’ administration group.

    For example, if the users belong to the Consumer Online Banking (USG_CUST1) administration group, then the policies must be enabled for the corresponding Customer User Type (UT_CUST) (as illustrated below).

  5. Select the Authentication Policies tab and verify that the required policies (listed below) are enabled:

    • Mobile Registration authentication (AT_TDSOOB)
    • Mobile push-based Logon Validation (AT_PASA)
    • Mobile push-based Action Validation (AT_TDS)
    • Mobile application update (AT_SMK)
    • Customer One Time Password (AT_CUSTOTP)

    By default, the predefined Customers User Type and Employees User Type are configured with the push-based validation policies.

  6. Select the Configuration tab.

  7. Under Policies, select Authentication, and then select Authentication Policies.

  8. In the list of policies, select Mobile push-based Logon Validation (AT_PASA).

  9. Select the Assignments tab.

  10. Add the Azure APNS and Azure Android and Azure WINS Delivery adapters (that you created previously) to the list of selected gateways for the policy.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Optionally, if you also want users to validate actions (such as adding a beneficiary) using push-based notifications, return to the list of Authentication Policies under Authentication, and then select Mobile push-based Action Validation (AT_TDS).

  13. Select the Assignments tab.

  14. Add the Azure APNS and Azure Android and Azure Windows Delivery adapters (that you created previously) to the list of selected gateways for the policy.

  15. Click Save.