Generate Data Reports

To allow the generation of external reports, the ActivID AS database defines a set of consistent views of the ActivID AS persistent data. These views allow generating reports without knowledge of the internal DB schema.

You can extract ActivID AS Configuration, Administration and Audit data from the database views and then import it into a target database to be analyzed by external reporting tools (for example, crystalReports ( or BIRT (

You can also use tools that can access and display the views directly in the database (using the password of the security domain database user or the database system user credentials). Refer to the documentation provided with your database for further information.

Note: ActivID AS does not include a tool or script to extract the views data.

The following procedure is an example using Oracle database tools (expdp/impdp, available with Oracle 12c).

  1. To export the data using Oracle database tools, use the following command, specifying the view, domain and database identifier.

  2. For example, with an Oracle 12c database, to export data from USERS_VIEW on ONLINEBANK domain with the Oracle DB SID = AICP1:

    su - oracle
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    create directory TEST_DATA_PUMP_DIR as '/u01/app/oracle/admin/AICP1/dpdump/';
    grant read,write on directory TEST_DATA_PUMP_DIR to system;
    expdp system/password@AICP1 views_as_tables= ONLINEBANK.USERS_VIEW dumpfile= USERS_VIEW.dmp DIRECTORY=TEST_DATA_PUMP_DIR;

    The requested data is exported as the dump / u01/app/oracle/admin/AICP1/dpdump/USERS_VIEW.dmp.

  3. You can then import the USERS_VIEW.dmp dump file into a target database (in this example, SID= REPDB) to be opened with reporting tools (such as cystalReports or BIRT) using the following command:

  4. su - oracle
    impdp system/password@REPDB dumpfile=USERS_VIEW.dmp DIRECTORY=TEST_DATA_PUMP_DIR;