PKI Renewal Software Configuration

This section provides procedures for setting up and configuring the PKI renewal software.

Copy the entire Tools folder and the entire SDK folder of the ActivID CMS distribution into the following directory location: C:\Program Files\HID Global (or any other location of your choice on your hard drive).

Configuration Files

Important: Before you perform any modifications to the configuration files, make backup copies.

Configuration files are stored in the conf folder. The main configuration file is named common. It is a database-dependent file. The ActivID CMS installation provides two configuration files:

  • common_ORACLE.xml for systems using an Oracle database

  • common_SQLSERVER.xml for systems using an SQL Server database

Make a duplicate of the common_<database>.xml configuration file for the type of database you are using, and rename the copy of the file to: common.xml. This is the XML configuration you are about to update in the following sections of this documentation.

Topics in this section: