About ActivID Credential Management System

HID® ActivID® Credential Management System (CMS) enables organizations to issue an authentication credential that goes beyond perimeter security. A smart card, smart token or virtual smart card can be used to secure access to individual workstations and servers within the firewall, as well as securing access to the VPN and applications. The high assurance credential can also be used to encrypt data, hard drives, documents and emails, and for digital signatures.

ActivID CMS is a solution for issuing and managing high-assurance credentials. The solution manages authentication devices (for example, smart cards, smart USB keys, virtual smart cards, mobile devices) and credentials they contain throughout their entire lifecycle.

Providing a full-featured Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) registration authority and credential manager for most leading PKI products, ActivID CMS enables the secure deployment and management of authentication devices that contain the following credentials:

  • PKI certificates,

  • One-time passwords (OTPs),

  • Static passwords,

  • Biometric data, and

  • Demographic data.

ActivID CMS is a Web-based management system that can be integrated with existing provisioning systems and their components, including:

  • Network access control systems,

  • Physical access control systems,

  • Enterprise database and directory infrastructures, and

  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

ActivID CMS supports multiple active devices for the same user, including virtual smart cards and mobile devices. For details on activating support for these devices, see Activating Support for Virtual Smart Cards and Mobile App Certificates.

This version of ActivID CMS also includes support for smart USB keys, including YubiKey® devices. Support for the YubiKey device type is enabled by default.

  • With this version of ActivID CMS, users are limited to only one primary device (a physical or virtual smart card, or a smart USB key) and one derived mobile device (Apple iOS 10 or higher) using mobile app certificates.

  • Mobile app certificates require additional licenses. Please refer to the End User License Agreement for more information.

The following sections provide essential information needed in order to familiarize yourself with the Operator Portal and configure it for use:

Note: It is highly recommended that you read Initial Steps After Installation carefully before you start using the ActivID CMS Operator Portal.

After you have read these sections, proceed to the sections of the documentation that are applicable to your role and your environment.

Topics in this section: