Checking Connectivity

Periodically, you will have to verify whether ActivID CMS is connected to all of the declared repositories. You can do this by running the connectivity diagnostic tool to verify the following state of ActivID CMS and its connections:

  • The Operator Portal is connecting properly to each defined LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol directory, Certificate Authority, ActivID AAA server, and ActivID CMS Peer Server.

  • The Operator Portal is connecting properly to the ActivID CMS Card Content server.

  • The current ActivID CMS version and URL.

Note: Starting with ActivID CMS 5.3, the Connectivity Check tool also verifies that the transport certificate is correct.

To check connectivity, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Configuration tab.

  2. Click the Connectivity Check sub-tab to display the Connectivity Check page, from which you can run the diagnostic tool.

  3. Click Check Connectivity.

After the connectivity diagnostic tool has finished running, the results display in the Diagnostic Results panel.

If all of the defined components have maintained connectivity, then a success message in blue is displayed at the top of the page.

If any of the components cannot be reached, then a message in red is displayed, and you can check the details to see which component could not be reached in the Diagnostic Results page.