Syntax of the Device Profile Section (p:staticcredentialplugin)
The XML syntax of the device profile definition file is listed as follows:
<p:staticcredentialplugin name="displayable_name_of_the_plug-in" type=""> <p:params>
<!—list of plug-in parameters -->
<p:param name="displayable_name_of_the_parameter"
<!— type Values: String, Integer, or byte[]-->
<!— visible Values: either true or false;
if true, the parameter is visible by user at issuance time -->
<!— modifiable Values: either true or false; if true, the parameter is modifiable by user
at issuance time -->
<!— mandatory Values: either true or false; if true, the parameter is mandatory and a value
must be defined else the issuance will fail -->
<!— The initsource parameter is optional; it defines an AIMS source for the parameter;
in the current version the only possible value is ldap
<!— Note that even when the source of the parameter is an output of an enrollment plug-in,
the initsource value shall be set to ldap. This is related to the fact that ActivID CMS internally
manages the enrollment plug-in values as extensions of the LDAP user schema. -->
initsource="optional parameter"
<!— The initsourceparam parameter specifies the name of the parameter in the source.
For example, if the source is LDAP, the value might be: initsourceparam="emailAddress" -->
<!— Note: When the source parameter is an output of an enrollment plug-in, the initsourceparam
shall be: enrollmentplugin:sourceparameter where enrollmentplugin is the name of the
enrollment plug-in as specified in the enrollment plug-in configuration file and parameter is
the name of the parameter. For more information, read the Generic Plug-in SPI Developer
Guide. -->
<!—list of parameter default values -->
<p:value>the default value of the parameter</p:value>