Import an Initialized Device

You can import an ActivID authentication device initialized with an ActivID management tool, or tokens pre-initialized by HID Global.

  1. From the Devices menu, click Import.

  1. In the Import File field, enter the path to and name of the import file. Use the Browse button to select the file.

    Note: You can select files with one of the following extensions:
    • .sds: for Security Data files

    • .pskc: for Portable Symmetric Key Container files

  2. The Repository field lists the device repository where the tool will store the imported device’s information. If you are logged in as a Console user who has rights to control repositories, you can select a different repository.

  3. Note: Administrators and Device Managers (with repository rights) can change a device’s repository after import. For more information, see Move a Device to Another Repository.
  1. Click Import Devices.

    If the import file uses a customer-defined import key (instead of the standard ActivID import key), you are prompted to enter the key.

    Note: For PSKC files, you must select a Token Device type. (This is mandatory for SDB Creation during device import in the database). You can import from 1 to 3 slots per device (except for Mini Tokens for which only 1 HOTP or TOTP slot can be imported).

    Slots must be configured in OATH mode with one of the following algorithms:

    • HOTP

    • TOTP

    • OCRA

  1. In the Select a Cipher Key window, select the Import key that is necessary to decrypt the import file (this should be the same key that was used to encrypt the file when it was created). Then click OK.

    • If you select a Token Device type: the Serial Number (SN) must be 10 digits.

    • If you select a Mini Token device: you can import a device that has only one HOTP or TOTP slot, and no unlock Key.

    • If you select a Crescendo Key device: the SN must be 20 digits (equal to the CUID in this case).

    An import summary naming the file (for example, c:\import.sds) and the number of devices successfully imported is displayed.