Configure Validation Authority for Automatic Start-Up and Shut Down
On Linux servers, you must create script files to start up Validation Authority to start automatically on server restart and stop Validation Authority as part of the server shut down. The following steps apply if you installed Validation Authority as root. If you installed as a different user, then you will need to adapt the steps accordingly. The steps also assume that you installed Validation Authority in the default directory.
Create a script file named “authority” with the following content, and place it in /etc/init.d:
# description: Starting Validation Authority at boot time.
# chkconfig: 35 95 95
/opt/hidglobal/validation_authority/authority/bin/ $1 -
Change the file permission:
Copycd /etc/init.d
chmod a+x authority -
Run the following command to configure authority to auto-run on system startup:
Copychkconfig –-add authority