SCVP Client Test Tool
From the Validation Responder disk image, copy the Tools/scvpclient folder to your target system.
Change directories to the local scvpclient folder.
From the command line, to display the usage, type the following:
Copyjava jar rtc-scvp-client.jar
To get and validate all known certification paths from the end-entity certificate endEntity.cer file to the trusted self-signed root certificate trustedAnchor.cer file, type the following:
Copyjava jar rtc-scvp-client.jar -url http://responder-server:3502 -cert endEntity.cer -anchors trustedAnchor.cer -validate
If the default service is set to SCVP instead of OCSP, then use the following value for the -url argument:
Otherwise, use: