Signed Log Verifier

Prerequisites: You must have a Java JRE or JDK 1.7 or 1.8 (32- or 64-bit) installed.
  1. From the Validation Responder disk image, copy the Tools/signed-log-verifier folder to your target system.

  2. Change directories to the local signed-log-verifier folder.

  3. From the command line, type the following to display the usage:

    java -jar signed-log-verifier.jar
  4. To verify the rtc_ocsp_log.xxxx-xx-xx.log file created by the responder's audit signing

    cert responder_audit.cer file, from the command line, type the following

    java -jar signed-log-verifier.jar -logfile rtc_ocsp_log.xxxx-xx-xx.log -certificate responder_audit.cer