First Time Login

Follow the below procedure in your first login:

  1. Open the Administration Portal URL, provided in your welcome email with your browser application.

  2. You will be prompted to enter the "User identifier" (mentioned in your welcome email), click NEXT.

  3. You will be prompted to Sign in screen to enter the "Password" (enter the temporary password mentioned in your welcome email), click NEXT.

  4. After this, you will be directed to Change Password screen, where you will be prompted to change your password. Click SUBMIT to create a new password.

  5. Now, log in with your new password and click NEXT.

  6. The Account Setup page opens with a pop-up "Terms of Service", click AGREE to agree the terms of service before creating an account.

  7. In the Account Setup page, you can see a QR code, used to activate your HID Approve application. Open the HID Approve application from your mobile phone and scan the QR code.

    Note: If you do not have the HID Approve app on your mobile device, download and install the HID Approve mobile app from the Google or Apple or Microsoft store on your mobile.
  8. Wait until your service is registered, you will receive the success message in your HID Approve application.

  9. You will be prompted to enter a Friendly Name for your mobile phone.

  1. Click SAVE, you will be directed to the Home page.

Signing In to Administration Portal

Once you have setup your account and HID Approve as explained above, you will not have to repeat the QR code capture process in further logins. You will be able to login to the Administration Portal using the HID Approve mobile application with a simple swipe to Approve the login.

Follow the below procedure in subsequent log-in:

  1. Enter your "Username" and "Password", click NEXT.

  2. In the Login page, you can select the desired HID Approve Device. Click NEXT.

  1. You will receive the push notification in your HID Approve application, with a prompt to Approve or Decline.

  2. After swiping to Approve the login request, you will be taken to the Home page of the Administration portal.

Related Topics:

Signing In to Administration Portal

Managing Administration

Managing Users

Adding an Authentication Method

Protecting Applications

Managing Devices

Configuring User Repositories