Audit Record Details
Each audit record shows a number of detailed parameters related to an audit log.
The Audit Record Log page shows a list of audit records. Choose and click on the row of an audit record to open the Audit Record pop-up box and view the detail parameters for that audit record.
The audit record contains both basic parameters and action parameter audit codes details.
The screenshot shown below is an example of an audit record.

Parameters | Description |
User | The user who performed the event. |
Acting user | The user act as a particular class of user rather than an actual user. |
Result | Success or failure of the action/activity. |
Authentication policy |
The authentication policy that was used during the session corresponding to the audit event. For example: User Static Password, Standard One Time Password, HID Approve Push Authentication, and FIDO Token etc. |
User ID | Identification number of a user. |
Acting user ID | Identification number of an acting user. |
Date & time (UTC) | The date and time (in UTC) when the event occurred. |
Host address | The IP address of the hosted system. |

Audit Code ID | Audit Code | Audit Code Description | Notes |
4 | ALS | ALSI | Authenticated Login Session Identifier |
5 | AMT | Amount | Amount |
10 | ATA | Attribute Type Code | Code to identify the Attribute Type |
11 | ATC | AuthenticationType Code | Code to identify the AuthenticationType |
12 | ATV | Attribute Value | Value of the Attribute |
13 | AUS | Authenticator Status | The status 'enabled/disabled' of an authenticator |
14 | AVF | Authenticator Valid From Date | Valid from date for an authenticator |
15 | AVT | Authenticator Valid To Date | Valid to date for an authenticator |
16 | BAC | Batch Code | Code to identify the Batch |
17 | BCC | Batch Control Code | Batch control code, for controlling initiated batch processes |
18 | BPC | Batch Process Code | Unique code that identifies a batch process |
19 | BPI | Batch process ID | Process Id for initiated batch process |
20 | BPO | Batch process outcome | Outcome of a batch process. |
21 | BPP | Batch Process Parameters | Batch process parameters used to call a batch process |
22 | BPS | Batch Process Status | Status of an initiated batch process. Used where the status is explicitly set |
23 | CHC | ChannelCode | Code to identify the Channel |
24 | DAM | Device Authentication Mode | Used to specify Synchronous or Asynchronous authentication |
26 | EIA | External Identifier for Algorithm Code | Used in the automatic generation of the External Reference ID to identify the Algorithm Used |
28 | EXP | Expiry Period | Period for which as session or other value is valid |
29 | EXT | Expiry Threshold | Threshold for the session validity |
31 | FBN | Form Batch Number | For the maintenance of Form Batches |
34 | FNA | Function Name Added | For maintenance of function sets - defines which function was added to a set |
35 | FNR | Function Name Removed | For maintenance of function sets - defines which function was removed from a set |
38 | FPI | Function Privilege Identifier | The ID to identify a Function Privilege |
39 | FPS | Function Privilege Subgroup | The subgroup contained as part of the privilege (Function Set/AuthType/Subgroup) |
40 | FSC | Function Set Code | Code to identify a Function Set |
41 | FSN | Function Set Name | Name of a Function Set |
42 | FTC | Form Type Code | Code to identify a Form Type |
43 | FUN | Function Name | Name of a Function |
44 | GRC | Group Code | Code to identify a Group |
45 | GRN | Group Name | Name of a Group |
46 | LEN | Length | Length |
51 | NOA | Number of Authorisations Required | Number of Authorizations Required |
52 | PAT | Parent Authentication Type Code | Used for clone authenticator to identify the parent (source) authenticator type code |
53 | PCA | Primary Channel Block Added | Contains the channel codes for the channel blocks added |
54 | PCB | Primary Channel Block Removed | Contains the channel codes for the channel blocks removed |
55 | PGC | Parent Group Code | Used for the updating of user group hierarchies |
61 | ROC | Role Code | Code for a role |
62 | RON | Role Name | Name of a role |
69 | STD | Start Date | Start Date |
72 | TCT | TransferCodeType | Type of session transfer code (see TCA) |
73 | TGC | Target Group Code | Used to specify the group which a user has been moved to. |
74 | THR | Threshold Returned | Records threshold returned in a transaction authorisation when status = CONDITIONAL |
75 | TPI | Transaction Privilege Identifier | The ID to identify a Transaction Privilege |
76 | TPT | Transaction Privilege Threshold | This is the threshold on a transaction privilege. It is used for both user level privileges and transaction sets |
77 | TRA | Transfer Code | One time code used to transfer a session between two users |
81 | UPT | User Privilege Type Code | Code to identify a User Privilege Type |
82 | UGC | User Group Code | Code to identify a User Group |
83 | USN | Username | Username value for the user in the process |
84 | VAF | Valid From | Valid From |
86 | DAC | Device Authentication Challenge | The challenge for any asynchronous device authentication |
87 | DAR | Device Authentication Response | Any response given during device authentication |
88 | ARP | Authentication Request Parameter | This is used to audit parameters associated with authentication adapters |
90 | FAC | Failure Code | Used for all method calls to capture the error message on exception |
91 | OGN | Old Group Name | Stores the old name of the group when the name is being updated |
92 | FUC | Function Code | Code to identify a Function |
93 | FUP | Function Parameter | Function parameter |
94 | TRT | Transaction Threshold | Threshold on a transaction |
95 | AUA | Authentication Service | The authentication service called (based on the authentication adapter used) e.g. CAP for the ActivKernal EMV adapter |
96 | ERI | External Reference Identifier | A User's External Reference is audited on creation and updates |
97 | UER | Updated External Reference | The new value of an External Reference after update |
98 | ISN | Issue Number | Issue number on a device (part of the device search criteria) |
99 | DTC | Device Type code | Code to identify a Device Type |
100 | EXD | Expiry Date | Expiry date |
101 | DID | Device ID | Internal id assigned to the device by 4TRESS. Not to be mistaken with device serial number |
102 | ANS | Authentication No Session | Indicates whether the session creation was suppressed for authentication |
103 | SIN | Search Issue Number | Issue number specified in device search criteria |
104 | SDT | Search Device Type | Device Type specified in device search criteria |
105 | DSD | Device Start Date | Valid from date for a device |
106 | SDX | Search Device Expiry Date | Device expiry date specified in search criteria |
107 | SSN | Search Serial Number | Device serial number specified in search criteria |
108 | PUK | Public Key | The public component of an RSA key X.509 encoded Base64 |
109 | JWS | JSON Web Signature | The JSON Web Signature contains the data, algorithm and signature. Along with a PUK the JWS can be verified |
110 | CTC | Credential Type Code | The code of the type of credential used in during the process |
111 | CID | Credential ID | The Id of the credential used during the process |
112 | STP | Step In Process | The step used within the current process |