OTP (One-Time Passwords)

If your token supports the one-time password (OTP One-Time Password. A password that is valid for only one login session or transaction, used to provide an additional layer of security.) generation function, you can access it from the OTP section in the left navigation pane.

The One-Time Passwords view

Additionally, the OTP section allows you to configure button press actions for Crescendo Keys.

Configuring One-Time Passwords

OTP Configuration Using QR Code

If you have a one-time password configuration QR code available, displayed on your screen, follow these steps to configure your OTP:

  1. Go to OTP in the left navigation pane and click the Configure button in the top-right corner of the screen.

    The One-Time Passwords view

  2. Click the button with the QR code icon in the top-right corner of the dialog to launch the snipping tool.

    The One-Time Password Configuration dialog with the QR code icon highlighted.

  3. Capture the QR code into the clipboard using the snipping tool.

    Note: If you already have a QR code captured in your clipboard, this action will use the content of the clipboard without activating the snipping tool.
  4. Crescendo Manager will automatically read the captured QR code and fill in the necessary details for you.

  5. For Crescendo 4000 family tokens, click the ClosedAccess Control Configuration dropdown to select the default access control behavior for your token when generating OTPs in contact and contactless modes.

    Access Control Configuration dropdown.

    • Always: No authentication is required for OTP generation.

    • Never: OTP generation is not allowed.

    • PIN: Authentication with PIN is required for OTP generation.

    • PIN and Touch: Both PIN entry and a button press on the token are required for OTP generation.

  6. Click Submit to finalize the OTP configuration.

  7. The configured OTP will appear as a new tile in the OTP view. To display the configuration details, hover over the information icon in the top-right corner of the tile.

Manual OTP Configuration

To configure your OTP manually:

  1. Go to OTP in the left navigation pane and click the Configure button in the top-right corner of the screen.

    The One-Time Passwords view

  2. Select the OTP type:

    One-Time Password Configuration dialog with the OTP Type dropdown highlighted.

    • HMAC-Based One-Time Password (HOTP): Generates a password based on a cryptographic hash function and a counter that increments each time a new OTP is generated. The password remains valid until it is used.

    • Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP): Generates a password based on the current time and valid only for a short window of time.

    • OATH Challenge-Response: Generates a response based on a challenge sent by an authentication server, using the configured parameters.

Generating OTPs

Once you have configured an OTP, you can generate it by clicking on the respective slot in the OTP view.

  • A generated HOTP or TOTP will automatically be copied into your clipboard.

  • For an OCRA OTP, you will be prompted to provide a challenge. A password and session data may also be required, if configured.

Viewing OTP Details

To view the OTP details, hover over the information icon in the top-right corner of the OTP tile.

One-Time Password tile with the information icon highlighted and details displayed.

The configuration details will appear in a pop-up.

Deleting Configured OTPs

To delete a configured OTP, click the trash bin icon Trash Bin Iconin the bottom-right corner of the OTP tile in the OTP view.

A dialog will open prompting you to confirm the deletion.

Configuring Button Press Actions for Crescendo Keys

The OTP section allows you to configure the actions triggered by single or double button presses on your Crescendo Key, depending on the key type. Available options vary by token type and may not be supported by your token.

One-Time Password view with the single and double press action sections highlighted.

To configure the single or double press action:

  1. Go to OTP in the left navigation pane and click the plus button next to the selected available action.

  2. The Token Single/Double Press Configuration dialog will open.

  3. Depending on your key type, select the desired Button Press Action from the available options:

  4. Configure your HOTP or Closedstatic password.

    Token Double Press Configuration dialog with Static password selected.

    1. Enter a friendly name for your static password. UTF-8 characters and emojis are allowed.

    2. Manually type the static password into the Static Password field, pressing the keys within the illustrated area. Shift and Alt combinations are allowed for additional character options.


    Crescendo Manager records the key-press sequence, not the characters themselves. As a result, if the keyboard layout changes (e.g., when using a different input method), pressing the button on your Crescendo Key may produce a different combination of characters. Ensure that the keyboard layout remains consistent when entering passwords using the press button action.

  5. The newly configured password appears in the OTP interface.

  • To display the configuration details, hover over the information icon.
  • To remove the configured password, click the trash bin icon .

Inserting Static Passwords and HOTPs With Your Crescendo Key

If you have configured single or double press actions for your Crescendo Key, you can use them to insert or generate and insert the configured passwords.

To insert your static password or generate and insert an HOTP with your Crescendo Key:

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the password.

  2. Press or double-press the button on your Crescendo Key.

  3. The HOTP or static password will be inserted.