Schema Extensions

This section details the expected schemas extensions (HID JSON base objects).

Note: The API version supported by HID Authentication Service is 10.1.0.

To use the version-specific parameters/attributes, you must add api-version=N to the query parameter.

Previous versions of the API are also supported with the corresponding functionality. For details of the version updates, see SCIM API Revision History.


  • name - name of the attribute (String)

  • value - value of the attribute (String)

  • type - TYPE enumeration from set (STRING, DATE, INT, LONG, BOOLEAN)

  • readOnly - Boolean


  • status - status of the entity (String)

  • active - boolean

  • startDate - start date for the entity (Date)

  • expiryDate - expiry date for the entity (Date)


<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

  • type - type of the entity (String)

  • status: status of the entity (EntityStatus)

  • attributes - attributes of the entity (Attribute[])

  • owner - owner of the entity (MemberRef)


This entity represents an audit record in the HID Authentication Service audit log.

  • <Extends EntityBase> with dedicated audit parameter codes where:

    • devialSerialNumber is audited with existing parameter "DSN"

    • device ID is audited with existing parameter "DID"

    • credential code is audited with existing parameter "CCO"

    • organization ID is audited with new parameter "OID"

    • device issuance request ID is audited with new parameter "DIR"


This entity represents an authenticator binding a user to an authentication policy and credential/device.

  • <Extends EntityBase> where:

    • id - the internal ID for the resource

    • externalid – user alias for authentication [optional]

    • meta – lifecycle information

    • status - status of the entity (EntityStatus)

    • owner – the user that owns the authenticator


Attribute Description


The authentication statistics. Can contain:

  • maximumNumberOfUsages

  • consecutiveFailed

  • consecutiveSuccess

  • totalFailed

  • totalSuccess

  • lastSuccessfulDate

  • lastUnsuccessfulDate

  • lastSuccessfulChannel

  • lastUnsuccessfulChannel

  • challengeCount


Details of the authenticator policy for the authenticator (immutable)


Details of the last device used in a successful authentication by the user, contains:

  • type - type of the last successfully used device

  • value - ID of the last successfully used device

The authenticator has the following mutually exclusive extensions:

  • urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:Password – password extension

    • username (immutable)

    • password (write-only, never returned)
  • urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:Action – action extension

    • action – action to proceed on given authenticator. Can be:

      • RESET





      • attributes – array of attributes where each attribute is a name/value pair containing:

            "name": "<static value>",
            "value": "<value of attribute such as the code or id>"
        Action Attributes
        • USER.EXTERNALID – user external ID
        • DEVICETYPE – device type
        • DEVICE.EXTERNALID – device serial number
        • DEVICE.ID – the internal device ID (long)
        • CHANNEL – channel code
        • DEVICETYPE – device type
        • DEVICE.EXTERNALID – device serial number
        • DEVICE.ID – the internal device ID (long)
        • CHANNEL – channel code
        • USER.EXTERNALID – user external ID
        • CHANNEL – channel code
        REGISTER-OOB OOB_DEVICETYPE_CODE - code of device type that is compatible with credential type bound to the authentication type


This entity represents a credential:

  • <Extends EntityBase> where:

  • attributes: Attributes[] – generic attribute the credentials can hold


This entity represents a device and linked credentials.

  • <Extends EntityBase> where:

    • owner – the user that owns the device

    • type – device type

    • externalid – device serial number [optional]

    • id – the internal device ID to look up the device

    • meta – lifecycle information

    • friendlyName – device friendly name [optional]
  • children : MemberRef[] – these are the linked credentials

  • urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:Action – action extension:

    • action – action to proceed on given device. Can be SYNCH-COUNTER: to resynchronize a device with a new counter value.

    • attributes – array of attributes:

      • COUNTER: new counter value


This entity represents an organization.

<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

  • id – the internal organization ID to lookup the organization

  • externalid – the external organization ID

  • type – organization type (dataset)

  • initialPassword – used to manage the organization

  • organizationDelegation – the organization to which delegation is given

  • organizationBranding – the organization branding for HID Approve™ and the Authentication Portal


This entity represents an organization delegation of a restricted subset of roles.

<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

  • id – the internal organization ID to look up the organization

  • externalid – the external organization ID

  • idProof – the certificate of the organization to which delegation is given

  • delegatedRoles – list of roles that are delegated to the proxy organization


This entity represents an organization branding.

  • hidApproveCustoFiles – array of OrganizationCustomizationFile for HID Approve

  • authPortalCustoFile – an OrganizationCustomizationFile for the Authentication Portal

An OrganizationCustomizationFile has the following parameters:

  • filename – filename of the customization file

  • fileAsBase64 – base64 encoded file


This entity represents a permission set.

  • <Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

    • id – the internal ID to lookup the permission set

    • meta – lifecycle information

    • name – name of the permission set

    • resourceType – can be “GROUP” or “ASSET”
  • urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:PermissionSetItem[]– list of permissions:

    • id – ID of the permission

    • parameter – can be used to define roles for relevant permissions.


This entity represents a device issuance request.

<Extends EntityBase> where:

  • owner – is the user that owns the device provision

  • deviceType – device  type

  • id – the internal device provision ID to look up the device provision

  • status – status of the device provision, can have the following values:




  • meta – lifecycle information


This entity represents pseudonymization tokens in exported audit logs.

<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

  • token – the pseudonymization token

  • value – the clear value

  • ownerId – owner ID of this token

  • ownerExtId – owner external ID of this token


This entity represents a list of roles:

  • <Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

    • id – the internal role ID to lookup the role

    • meta – lifecycle information

    • name – name of the role

    • description – a short summary of the role

  • Attributes:

    • name:string


This entity allows retrieving the service provider configuration metadata.

<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

  • patch:

    • supported - can be true or false

  • bulk:

    • supported - can be true or false

    • maxOperations

    • maxPayloadSize

  • filter:

    • supported - can be true or false

    • maxResults

  • changePassword:

    • supported - can be true or false

  • sort:

    • supported - can be true or false

  • etag:

    • supported - can be true or false

  • authenticationSchemes:

    • name - name of the schema (for example, oauthbearertoken)

    • description - description of the schema (for example, OAuth Bearer Token)

    • specUrl - URL for the schema specification

    • primary - status of the schema, can be true or false


This entity represents background tasks.

<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:

  • id - the internal ID to lookup the task

  • type - type of the task:





  • payload - task-specific details

  • status - status of the task:



    • DONE

    • FAILED


  • creationDate - date on which the task was created

  • lastUpdate - date of the last update for the tasks

  • domain - domain on which the task applies. Can be "all" which creates a task for each domain