Schema Extensions
To use the version-specific parameters/attributes, you must add api-version=N to the query parameter.
Previous versions of the API are also supported with the corresponding functionality.
This entity represents an authenticator policy.
The policy provides configuration information and constraints necessary to create an authenticator for a user through the Authenticator Policy endpoint.
It is a SCIM resource where:
id – the policy ID (that is, the authentication type code)
externalId – not configurable
meta – lifecycle information
deliveryGateways – to add delivery gateways bindings. It is an array of object with:
display – the adapter name
- value – the adapter ID (mandatory when updating bindings)
Common attributes for authenticator policy extensions:
Attribute Type Description challengeDisableThreshold
The maximum number of challenges (that is, "push action or validation request") that can be issued for validation without submission of a valid response from HID Approve.
Once this threshold is reached, the count must be reset before a challenge will be issued.
Default value is 8.
-1 indicates there is no threshold.
Validity (in seconds) of the challenge after which the transaction can no longer be signed (where -1 is no expiration)
Maximum number of times an authenticator can be used successfully (where -1 is no limit)
Number of days an authenticator of this type is valid after creation (where -1 is never expires)
Note: If you set this parameter to -1, defaultValidDaysEdit must also be set to -1.defaultValidDaysEdit
Number of days an authenticator of this type is valid after update (for example, if a password is changed) (where -1 is never expires)
Note: If you set this parameter to -1, defaultValidDaysAdd must also be set to -1.disableThreshold
Number of successive failed authentication attempts before the authenticator is disabled
Number of seconds (the cool-down period) after which a temporarily blocked authenticator will be automatically unblocked where:
-1 is blocked until the authenticator is reset
0 is not blocked (the event is only audited)
When a transaction is reported as suspicious:
If set to -1:
All other pending transactions for the authenticator are deleted
The reported transaction is audited and the associated record also contains the list of other pending transaction that were deleted (actionParameter = deleted_COI)
New transactions are blocked until the authenticator is reset
If set to 0:
The reported transaction is audited
If set to a value greater than 0:
All other pending transactions for the authenticator are deleted
The reported transaction is audited and the associated record also contains the list of other pending transaction that were deleted (actionParameter = deleted_COI)
New transactions are blocked until the authenticator is reset or until the disabledTimeReset period is over
Starting January 2025, new tenants will use the default value of 900 (15 minutes).
Existing tenants will continue to use the previous default value of 0.
Used for OpenID ACR criteria, this value is a contract with the calling application
Authenticator policy name
Authenticator policy notes
int long
Timeout (in milliseconds) of the session if it is not used
int long
Duration of the session (in milliseconds) even if used
The policy also has the mutually exclusive extensions per authenticator type. For example:
passwordpolicy – constraints with which a password must comply:
Constraint Possible values Description onlyNum
"true" or "false"
Must contain only numeric characters
"true" or "false"
Must contain only alpha characters
"true" or "false"
Must contain only numeric or alpha characters
"true" or "false"
Must contain only numeric and alpha characters
Integer as String
Maximum length
Integer as String
Minimum length
"true" or "false"
Must not be a sequence
"true" or "false"
Must contain at least one numeric character
"true" or "false"
Must contain at least one lowercase character
"true" or "false"
Must contain at least one uppercase character
"true" or "false"
Must contain at least one special character
"true" or "false"
Must not be an old password
"true" or "false"
Must not contain a user attribute
"true" or "false"
Minimum numbers of different characters in password
"true" or "false"
Case insensitive (not recommended)
"Nothing" or the required range
Must in the defined range
"true" or "false"
Must not contain black listed words
usernamepolicy - constraints with which a username must comply:
Constraint Description onlyNum
Contain only numeric characters
Contain only alpha characters
Contain either numeric or alpha characters
Contain both numeric and alpha characters
Maximum length
Minimum length
Minimum number of different characters
"Nothing" or the required range
- disableThreshold - number of failed attempts after which the password of the user will be disabled (integer)
- allowExpiredReset - number of times an expired authenticator can request reset (integer)
For further details about the authenticator policy extensions, see the SCIM API Reference.
Attribute Type validCredentialPolicies
Authentication factors to authentication policy mapping:
Factor | Authentication policy |
LOGIN | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:Password |
PUSH | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:PUSH |
OTP | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:OTP |
OOB | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:OOB |
CODE | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:OOB |
PKI | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:PKI |
FIDO | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:FIDO |
LDAP | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:LDAP |
CARD | urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:policy:authenticator:CARD |
The entity represents a Device Type.
It is a SCIM resource where:
id – the device type ID (that is, the device type code)
- meta – lifecycle information
Attribute Description name
Device type name (String)
Device type notes (String)
Name of the device manufacturer (String)
Code of the default credential type when importing devices (String)
(Optional) The maximum number of this type of device that can be assigned to a user (Integer)
If set to -1 (the default) or not present, the attribute is not used. Otherwise, the defined value is used.
The limit is only verified when the user attempts to activate a new device of this type and an error message is displayed if they have already reached the maximum.
If you set a maximum, it will not affect users who already have more devices than the limit (that is, it will not block authentication nor delete or modify existing devices). However, these users will only be able to activate a new device if they discard existing devices to meet the new limit. For example, if you set the limit to 2 devices, a user with 3 existing devices will need to discard 2 to activate a new device.
(Optional) Comma-separated list of codes of the credential types allowed for the device type ([String])
Possible values are:
- any - all credential types are allowed
- Comma-separated list of codes ["CT code 1", "CT code 2"]
If not present, the attribute is not used.
Code of the device type to clone when creating a new device type
Only available for POST requests.
Indicates if the resource is safeguarded. This attribute cannot be modified.
Compatible device types have the following extension
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:FIDO
Attribute Description deviceFormFactor
Form factor of the device (String)
Possible value - urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:FIDO:Generic
Length of the challenge that the device will issue (Integer)
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual
Attribute Description deviceFormFactor
Form factor of the device (String)
Possible values:
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:JWT
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:OOB
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:PKI
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:PKIMatch
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:PIN
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:PKIMatch
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Virtual:SMSOOB
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Card
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:EMVCard
Attribute Description deviceFormFactor
Form factor of the device (String)
Possible value - urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:EMVCard
Length of the challenge that the device will issue (Integer)
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Token
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:CMSCard
Attribute Description deviceFormFactor
Form factor of the device (String)
Possible values - urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:CMSCard
Length of the challenge that the device will issue (Integer)
Supported authentication methods (String)
Possible values:
Length of the synchronous OTP the device will generate (Integer)
Length of the asynchronous OTP the device will generate (Integer)
Indicates if the device has a lock/unlock function (Boolean)
Length of an unlock challenge (Integer)
Types of resynchronization supported by the device (String)
Possible values:
Base resynchronization type of the device (String)
Possible values:
Default offset to use when autosynchronising the device via the event counter (Integer)
Only used if synchronisationBase is either BOTH or COUNTER
Synchronization time offset start (Integer)
Only used if synchronisationBase is either BOTH or CLOCK
Synchronization time offset end (Integer)
Only used if synchronisationBase is either BOTH or CLOCK
Indicates that devices of this type support transaction data signing (Boolean)
- urn:hid:scim:api:idp:2.0:device:type:Push
For further details about the configuring the push-based solution, see Advanced Configuration for Push Authentication.
This entity represents a user repository (LDAP or SCIM federated datasource).
A User Repository object is a SCIM resource with the following parameters:
id – id of the user repository (String)
name – name of the user repository (String)
type - User Repository Type (String):
LDAP_MS_AD – Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
LDAP – LDAP repository
SCIM_FED_AD – federated repository such as Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD)
Attributes for compatible repositories are:
Attribute Description host
Object describing the host configuration and has the following parameters:
- address – hostname or IP of the server (String)
- port – port to connect to the server (String)
- backupAddress – hostname or IP of the backup server (String)
- backupPort – port to connect to the backup server (String)
- baseNodeDn – Base DN (String)
- ldapsRootCaCertificate – certificate in base64 (only for LDAPs) (String)
loginCredentials – object describing credentials to connect to the server and has the following parameters:
userDn – User DN (String)
userPassword – password (can be set in CREATE and REPLACE but is NOT returned in any response) (String)
Note: All the above parameters are mandatory for CREATE except backupAddress, backupPort and ldapsRootCaCertificate.mappingConfiguration
(Not mandatory) Object describing the configuration of the LDAP and has the following parameters:
userClass – User Class (default value is "Person") (String)
ldapGroupClass – LDAP Group Class (default value is "group") (String)
userIdAttribute – User ID Attribute (default value is " sAMAccountName")(String)
groupMemberAttribute – Group Member Attribute (default value is "memberOf")(String)
accountStatusAttribute – Account Status Attribute (default value is "UserAccountControl") (String)
- guidAttributeName – GUID Attribute Name (default value is "objectguid") (String)
(Not mandatory) Array of objects describing a mapping between HID Authentication Service User Types and root nodes DN:
groupId – User Type ID in HID Authentication Service (String)
- rootNodeDn – root node DN in the LDAP (String)
(Not mandatory) Array of objects describing a mapping between HID Authentication Service User Groups and root node DN:
groupId – User Group ID in HID Authentication Service (String)
- rootNodeDn – root node DN in the LDAP (String)
(Not mandatory) Array of objects to assign HID Authentication Service Roles to users in LDAP Groups or in LDAP OU:
roleId – Role ID in HID Authentication Service to assign to the users in the LDAP Group or LDAP OU (String)
mappingType – "OU" or "GROUP" (String)
- groupDnOrOu – DN of the OU or the Group in the LDAP (String)
(Not mandatory) Can be "followAll", "followNone" (the default value) or "followListed" (String)
(Not mandatory) Array of objects describing a LDAP referral configuration:
address – hostname or IP of the server (String)
port – port to connect to the server (String)
- loginCredentials – object describing credentials to connect to the server
- SCIM Federated: AD
Attribute Description id
Datasource code
Name for the datasource
Reference to the user group code where users will be created
Reference to the agent id (this is the user id of the user for whom the bearer token is configured in Microsoft Azure)
Reference to an attribute type code that is provisioned by Microsoft Azure. This attribute is protected and cannot be overwritten (only the provisioning agent is able to modify it)
(Not mandatory) Array of objects to assign HID Authentication Service roles to users in Microsoft Azure Groups or OU:
roleId – Role ID in HID Authentication Service to assign to the users in the Microsoft Azure Group or OU (String)
- mappingCriteria – ID of the Microsoft Azure "OU" or "GROUP" (String)
Configuration for the authentication endpoint of the Microsoft Azure AD:
issuerUri – hostname or IP of the Microsoft Azure AD or ADFS OAuth 2.0 provider (String)
- clientId – ID of the client to connect to the directory host
The provisioning agent must be unique to the datasource.
Updating the adminGroupAssignment.value will not change the administration group for the users that are already provisioned.
This entity represents a User Attribute Type.
Verb usage: GET(read), PUT(replace), POST(create), DELETE(delete)
<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:
id – the internal id to lookup the user attribute type
meta – lifecycle information
name – name of the user attribute type
notes – description of the user attribute type
encrypted – defines if the user attribute type is encrypted. Possible values are true or false (boolean). Can be used with PUT(replace) and POST(create)
predefined - specifies if the user attribute type is standard (predefined) or custom
This property is read-only.
multiValued – defines if the user attribute can contain multiple values (in an array). Possible values are true or false (boolean). Can be used with PUT(replace) and POST(create)
This property can only be true for custom user attribute types (for predefined types or if not specified, the value is false).
Note: If multiValued was set to true , it cannot be reverted to false.
This entity represents a Push Delivery Gateway.
Verb usage: GET(read), PUT(replace), POST(create), DELETE(delete)
<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:
id – identifier of the adapter
name – name of the adapter
- type – code of the delivery provider (AZURE_WNS_PUSH, AZURE_APNS_PUSH and AZURE_GCM_PUSH are supported)
notes – description of the delivery gateway
Attribute | Description |
connectionString |
URL connection string used to connect to the Microsoft® Azure® Notification Hub for your deployment Note: For API versions earlier than 8, this parameter is not returned. For API versions 8 and later, this parameter is only returned for custom delivery adapters.
hub | Name of the Microsoft Azure Notification Hub |
notificationTimeToLive |
(Optional) Number of seconds (TTL or lifespan) during which the push notifications are valid and can be delivered. By default, the value is 0 which corresponds to the FCM maximum validity of four (4) weeks. If you set a time limit, repeated delivery attempts are made (as required) until the defined limit is reached. For further information, go to |
supportedOperatingSystems |
List of operating systems allowed on this delivery gateway (such as "Android", "iOS", "macOS" or "WINDOWS") Important: This parameter is mandatory and case-sensitive.
Note: If different applications are running on the same operating system, you can define a specific delivery gateway per application. You should then use a different authentication policy for each application, and map the corresponding delivery gateway to each policy.
appId |
Identifier of the push mobile application (can be HID Approve or a custom application) allowed to use this delivery gateway. Can be used if there are multiple delivery gateways for the same OS as adding the appId parameter allows to matching to a specific device type (where the parameter is also defined) |
messageTemplates |
The title and message for credential and challenge notifications:
By default, the message content is: Copy
This entity represents a Risk Score Provider.
Verb usage: GET(read), PUT(replace), POST(create), DELETE(delete)
<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:
id – id of the adapter
name – name of the adapter
externalId – code of the adapter (in this release, only RMS_CFG_TM for HID RMS is supported)
url – the Risk Score Provider URL
connectionTimeOut – timeout for establishing connection
credentials – credentials to connect to the Risk Score Provider:
- password
For further information about these parameters, refer to the HID Risk Management Solution Integration Guide.
This entity represents a Card Authentication Application.
Verb usage: GET(read), POST(create), DELETE(delete)
<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:
id – ID of the application (String)
name – name of the application (String)
notes – notes of the application (optional)
type – if the application is not used as a default card application (for example, Contactless), the value must match exactly the card nickname
The authentication type is bound to the:
Channel - CH_EXTRAPP
User type - UT_EMP
Attributes for compatible applications are:
Attribute | Description |
deviceType |
credentialType |
authenticatorPolicy |
This entity represents a Generic Application.
Verb usage: GET(read), PUT(replace), POST(create), DELETE(delete)
<Extends SCIM Core Resource> where:
id – ID of the generic application (String)
name – name of the generic application (String)
notes – notes of the generic application (optional)
type – only “Generic” is supported
Attributes for compatible applications are:
Attribute | Description |
riskScoreProvider |
authenticationPolicies |
List of authentication policies allowed for this application:
adaptativeAuthenticationRules |
RiskScore |
This entity represents a customization (workflow, theme or keystore).
A Customization object is a SCIM resource with the following parameters:
id – ID of the customization (String)
payload – payload specific for the customization
The JSON payload content is validated using the following schema definitions:
IdP Workflows schema validator - workflowSchema.json
IdP Themes schema validator - themeSchema.json
For a keystore customization, the payload contains the truststore type and keystore file.
The entity represents a Credential Type.
It is a SCIM resource where:
id – the credential type ID (that is, the credential type code)
- meta – lifecycle information
Attribute Description name
Credential type name (String)
Credential type notes (String)
Code of the credential type to clone when creating a new credential type
Only available for POST requests.
Indicates if the resource is safeguarded. This attribute cannot be modified.
Compatible device types have the following extensions:
For further details about the extensions, see the SCIM API Reference.