HID Authentication Service OpenID API Endpoints

Authentication Endpoint

Allow end users to authenticate and give consent to generate an authorization code.

Bcauthorize Endpoint

Initiate the authentication requests for Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication (CIBA).

Code Endpoint

Provide the session transfer/authorization codes after the user's credentials and consent have been verified during authentication.

Consent Endpoint

Verify the status of the user's consent to share their data and prompt the user to sign if required.

Enrollment Endpoint

Add the authenticator enrollment process to the authentication workflow.

Flow Endpoint

Get the authentication types for the authentication flows defined a flow.

Introspect Endpoint

Get the status and information about an access token.

PAR Endpoint

Create a Push authorization request (PAR) to be used with authorization code grant flow.

Registration Endpoint

Dynamically register an OpenID client.

Theme Endpoint

Get the theme definition (branding and labels) for the portal interface.

Token Endpoint

Obtain tokens (identity, access or refresh) in grant flows.

Token Revocation Endpoint

Revoke access and refresh tokens issued with the same authorization grant.

Logout Endpoint

Log out end users by terminating sessions and redirecting to a logout page.

UserInfo Endpoint

Obtain information about authenticated end users.