Protection Policy with password specific constraints. More...
#import <HIDProtectionPolicy.h>
Instance Methods | |
(BOOL) | - changePassword:new:error: |
Changes the password bound to the protection policy identified by the protection policyId parameter. New password must respect the defined protection policy restrictions. More... | |
(int) | - currentAge |
Get current password age since last change. More... | |
(int) | - getCacheTimeout |
Gets password cache timeout. More... | |
(BOOL) | - isCacheEnabled |
Gets password cache flag. More... | |
(int) | - maxAge |
Get maximum age for a password. This determines how long (in days) users can keep a password before they have to change it. If 0, indicates that the password never expires. More... | |
(int) | - maxAlpha |
Get maximum number of alphabetical characters. More... | |
(int) | - maxHistory |
Get max password history limit. This security setting determines the number of unique new passwords that have to be associated with the the key before an old password can be reused. More... | |
(int) | - maxLength |
Get maximum password length. More... | |
(int) | - maxLowerCase |
Get maximum number of lower case letters. More... | |
(int) | - maxNonAlpha |
Get maximum number of special characters (non alphanumeric). More... | |
(int) | - maxNumeric |
Get maximum number of numeric characters. More... | |
(int) | - maxUpperCase |
Get maximum number of upper case letters. More... | |
(int) | - minAge |
Get minimum age for a password change. This security setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. It must be less than the maximum password age. If 0, indicates to allow changes immediately. More... | |
(int) | - minAlpha |
Get minimum number of alphabetical characters. More... | |
(int) | - minLength |
Get minimum password length. More... | |
(int) | - minLowerCase |
Get minimum number of lower case letters. More... | |
(int) | - minNonAlpha |
Get minimum number of special characters (non alphanumeric). More... | |
(int) | - minNumeric |
Get the minimum number of numeric characters. More... | |
(int) | - minUpperCase |
Get minimum number of upper case letters. More... | |
(BOOL) | - verifyPassword:error: |
When password caching is enabled, will verify and cache the password protecting the key for transaction signing. More... | |
![]() | |
(id< HIDLockPolicy >) | - lockPolicy |
Returns the lock policy. More... | |
(HIDIdentifier *) | - policyId |
Returns the protection policy identifier. More... | |
(HIDPolicyType) | - policyType |
Returns the protection policy type. More... | |
Protection Policy with password specific constraints.
The restrictions may be any or all of the following:
- (BOOL) changePassword: | (NSString *) | oldPassword | |
new: | (NSString *) | newPassword | |
error: | (NSError **) | error | |
Changes the password bound to the protection policy identified by the protection policyId parameter. New password must respect the defined protection policy restrictions.
oldPassword | old key password. |
newPassword | new key password. |
error | error details. It may be nil. |
Possible error codes are:
- (int) currentAge |
Get current password age since last change.
- (int) getCacheTimeout |
Gets password cache timeout.
- (BOOL) isCacheEnabled |
Gets password cache flag.
- (int) maxAge |
Get maximum age for a password. This determines how long (in days) users can keep a password before they have to change it. If 0, indicates that the password never expires.
- (int) maxAlpha |
Get maximum number of alphabetical characters.
- (int) maxHistory |
Get max password history limit. This security setting determines the number of unique new passwords that have to be associated with the the key before an old password can be reused.
- (int) maxLength |
Get maximum password length.
- (int) maxLowerCase |
Get maximum number of lower case letters.
- (int) maxNonAlpha |
Get maximum number of special characters (non alphanumeric).
- (int) maxNumeric |
Get maximum number of numeric characters.
- (int) maxUpperCase |
Get maximum number of upper case letters.
- (int) minAge |
Get minimum age for a password change. This security setting determines the period of time (in days) that a password must be used before the user can change it. It must be less than the maximum password age. If 0, indicates to allow changes immediately.
- (int) minAlpha |
Get minimum number of alphabetical characters.
- (int) minLength |
Get minimum password length.
- (int) minLowerCase |
Get minimum number of lower case letters.
- (int) minNonAlpha |
Get minimum number of special characters (non alphanumeric).
- (int) minNumeric |
Get the minimum number of numeric characters.
- (int) minUpperCase |
Get minimum number of upper case letters.
- (BOOL) verifyPassword: | (NSString *) | password | |
error: | (NSError **) | error | |
When password caching is enabled, will verify and cache the password protecting the key for transaction signing.
password | the key password. |
error | error details. It may be nil. |
Possible error codes are: