Updates to the HID Approve SDK for Google Android
This page details the design changes made in the new HID® Approve™ SDK for Google® Android®.
Please refer to the code examples provided below that illustrate the code changes, as well as Add the SDK to Your App.
SDK Updates
Support for Weak (Class 2) biometric authenticators
Sequential passwords are prohibited unless explicitly authorized with password policy parameters
SDK Additions and New Features
What's New in Version 5.7.1 from 5.5.1
SDK Updates
Migration to 5.7.1 from versions 3.0 and 4.0 is no longer supported.
SDK Additions and New Features

NEW event parameter constant CONTAINER_POLICY
NEW event parameter constant KEY_POLICY
NEW event parameter constant TYPE

NEW enumeration value "UnsupportedVersion" (7)
NEW enumeration value "InvalidContainer" (8)
REMOVED exception class "SerialNumberRequiredException"
NEW exception class “InvalidContainerException”

UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods

REMOVED deprecated method “enableFingerPrintManager” (use setBiometricPrompt)
REMOVED deprecated method “getCancellationSignal”
UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods

UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods
NEW method “updateDeviceInfo” (moved from Device)
void updateDeviceInfo(String name, char[] value, char[] password, Parameter[] params) throws RemoteException, AuthenticationException, UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException, LostCredentialsException, com.hidglobal.ia.service.exception.FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException, ServerOperationFailedException, InvalidParameterException;
REMOVED deprecated property “initialPassword” (use EventListener)
UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods
REMOVED deprecated method “retrieveTransaction”
NEW method “retrieveActionInfo”
ServerActionInfo retrieveActionInfo(char[] actionId) throws InternalException, ServerActionContainerInvalidException, InvalidContainerException, InvalidParameterException;
REMOVED deprecated method “createContainer” (use createContainer with sessionPassword)
REMOVED deprecated method “reset” (use DeviceFactory reset)
REMOVED deprecated method “getDefaultInitializationPolicy” (use EventListener)
UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods
UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods
UPDATE Class declaration inherits from class ServerAction
DEPRECATED class TransactionInfo (use retrieveActionInfo)
NEW class ServerAction
NEW class ServerActionInfo

UPDATE New exception InvalidParameterException added to all methods
REMOVED deprecated method “getDevice” with deviceSerialNumber

To ease integration, the unchecked runtime-exception IllegalArgumentException has been replaced with InvalidParameterException to indicate any provided parameters. This new exception has been added to all methods containing parameter as mentioned above.

To ease integration with Proguard/DexGuard/D8 obfuscation, a default rules file has been included in the AAR package.
What's New in Version 5.5.1 from 5.5
SDK Additions and New Features

To ease integration, successful biometric authentications via the BioPasswordPolicy no longer return the FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException exception. This eliminates the need for a second call to the SDK within the AuthenticationCallback delegate to complete the required operation.
What's New in Version 5.5 from 5.4
SDK Additions and New Features

NEW method "getDevice"
public static Device getDevice(Context context, ConnectionConfiguration config) throws UnsupportedDeviceException, LostCredentialsException, UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException;
DEPRECATED method "getDevice" (use new method)
public static Device getDevice(Context context, ConnectionConfiguration config, char[] sessionPassword) throws UnsupportedDeviceException, LostCredentialsException, UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException;

Documentation has been updated to specify possible exceptions on some functions and methods.
To ease integration, InvalidPasswordException password-related exceptions have been declared as InvalidPasswordException, PasswordExpiredException, and PasswordNotYetUpdatableException.
What's New in Version 5.4 from 5.1
SDK Additions and New Features

NEW enumeration value InvalidArgument (3)
NEW enumeration value KeyGenerationFailure (4)
NEW enumeration value ProtectionPolicyFailure (5)
NEW enumeration value SecureDataFailure (6)
NEW enumeration value BiometricAuthenticationNotEnabled (207)
NEW method "getErrorReason"
public ErrorCode getErrorReason()
NEW method "setErrorReason"
public void setErrorReason(ErrorCode errorReason)
NEW method "getParameter"
public Parameter getParameter()
NEW method "setParameter"
public void setParameter(Parameter param)
NEW class "InvalidParameterException"

NEW enumeration value SILENT
NEW class "SilentLockPolicy"

Package com.hidglobal.ia.service.manager
What's New in Version 5.1 from 4.0
SDK Updates

DEPRECATED field "initialPassword" (use EventListener)
NEW method "createContainer"
public Container createContainer(ContainerInitialization config, char[] sessionPassword, EventListener listener) throws UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException, AuthenticationException, InvalidPasswordException, RemoteException, UnsafeDeviceException, ServerProtocolException, FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException, FingerprintNotEnrolledException, GooglePlayServicesObsoleteException, PasswordCancelledException, ServerOperationFailedException;
DEPRECATED method "createContainer" (use new method)
public Container createContainer(ContainerInitialization config, EventListener listener) throws UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException, AuthenticationException, InvalidPasswordException, RemoteException, UnsafeDeviceException, ServerProtocolException, FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException, FingerprintNotEnrolledException, GooglePlayServicesObsoleteException, PasswordCancelledException, ServerOperationFailedException;
DEPRECATED method "retrieveTransaction" (use TransactionInfo.getTransaction)
public Transaction retrieveTransaction(char[] transactionId, char[] sessionPassword, Parameter[] params) throws AuthenticationException, RemoteException, UnsupportedDeviceException, PasswordExpiredException, LostCredentialsException, InternalException, InvalidPasswordException, TransactionContainerInvalidException, TransactionExpiredException, ServerOperationFailedException;
DEPRECATED method "reset" (use DeviceFactory.reset)
public boolean reset(Parameter[] params) throws InternalException;
DEPRECATED method "getDefaultInitializationPolicy" (use EventListener)
public ProtectionPolicy getDefaultInitializationPolicy() throws InternalException;
UPDATE method "setStatus" throws new exception ServerOperationFailedException
public boolean setStatus(String status, char[] signingPassword, char[] sessionPassword, Parameter[] param) throws AuthenticationException, PasswordExpiredException, TransactionExpiredException, ServerVersionException, RemoteException, LostCredentialsException, InternalException, PasswordRequiredException, FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException, ServerAuthenticationException, ServerOperationFailedException;
UPDATE class declaration as interface
NEW method "getTransaction"
public Transaction getTransaction( char[] sessionPassword, Parameter[] params) throws AuthenticationException, RemoteException, UnsupportedDeviceException, PasswordExpiredException, LostCredentialsException, InternalException, InvalidPasswordException, TransactionContainerInvalidException, TransactionExpiredException, ServerOperationFailedException;

REMOVED class and replaced with "EventListener"
NEW class "PasswordPromptResult"
NEW class "PasswordPromptEvent"
NEW class "EventResult"
NEW class "EventListener"
NEW class "Event"

NEW method "getDevice"
public static Device getDevice(Context context, ConnectionConfiguration config, char[] sessionPassword) throws UnsupportedDeviceException, LostCredentialsException, UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException;
NEW method "reset"
public static boolean reset(Context ctx) throws InternalException
DEPRECATED method "getDevice" (use new method)
public static Device getDevice(Context context, ConnectionConfiguration config) throws UnsupportedDeviceException, LostCredentialsException, UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException;
SDK Additions and New Features

NEW method "getCreationDate"
public Date getCreationDate();
NEW method "getExpiryDate"
public Date getExpiryDate();
NEW method "getRenewalDate"
public Date getRenewalDate();
NEW method "isRenewable"
public Date isRenewable(char[] password);
NEW method "renew"
public void renew(ContainerRenewal config, char[] sessionPassword, EventListener eventListener) throws PasswordExpiredException , UnsupportedDeviceException, InternalException, AuthenticationException, InvalidPasswordException, RemoteException, UnsafeDeviceException, ServerProtocolException, FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException, FingerprintNotEnrolledException, LostCredentialsException, PasswordRequiredException, CredentialsExpiredException, ServerUnsupportedOperationException, GooglePlayServicesObsoleteException, PasswordCancelledException, ServerOperationFailedException;
NEW class "ContainerRenewal"

DEPRECATED method "getCancellationSignal"
public Object getCancellationSignal() throws InternalException;
DEPRECATED method "enableFingerprintManager" (use setBiometricPrompt)
public void enableFingerprintManager(Object authenticationCallback, Object cancellationSignal) throws InternalException;
NEW method "setBiometricPrompt"
void setBiometricPrompt(Object object, Object authenticationCallback, Object promptInfo);
NEW method "resetBiometricPrompt"
void resetBiometricPrompt();
NEW method "disableBioAuthentication"
void disableBioAuthentication() throws UnsupportedDeviceException, FingerprintNotEnrolledException, FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException, InternalException, LostCredentialsException, AuthenticationException, PasswordExpiredException;

NEW enumeration value "PasswordCancelled"
NEW enumeration value "GooglePlayServicesObsolete"
NEW enumeration value "ServerUnsupportedOperation"
NEW enumeration value "ServerOperationFailed"
NEW exception class "ServerUnsupportedOperationException"
NEW exception class "ServerOperationFailedException"
NEW exception class "PasswordCancelledException"
NEW exception class "GooglePlayServicesObsoleteException"
What's New in Version 4.0 from 3.0
SDK Addition

NEW method "IsFIPSModeEnabled" – Reserved for Future Use.
Code Examples
Transaction Retrieval

Context ctx = this.getBaseContext();
// get device
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration();
Device device = DeviceFactory.getDevice(ctx, connectionConfig);
// get transaction
TransactionInfo txInfo = device.retrieveTransactionInfo(myTransactionId);
Transaction tx = device.retrieveTransaction(myTransactionId, mySessionPwd, new Parameter[0]);

Context ctx = this.getBaseContext();
// get device
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration();
Device device = DeviceFactory.getDevice(ctx, connectionConfig, mySessionPwd);
// get transaction
TransactionInfo txInfo = device.retrieveTransactionInfo(myTransactionId);
Transaction tx = txInfo.getTransaction(mySessionPwd, new Parameter[0]);

Context ctx = this.getBaseContext();
// get device
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration();
Device device = DeviceFactory.getDevice(ctx, connectionConfig);
// get transaction
TransactionInfo txInfo = device.retrieveTransactionInfo(myTransactionId);
Transaction tx = txInfo.getTransaction(mySessionPwd, new Parameter[0]);
Provisioning / Container Creation

// progress listener
public void onEventReceived(ProgressEvent event) {
Parameter[] params = event.getParameters();
char[] message = null; char[] percent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (SDKConstants.PARAM_SYNCEVENT_MESSAGE.equalsIgnoreCase(params[i].getId()))
message = params[i].getValue();
if (SDKConstants.PARAM_SYNCEVENT_PERCENT.equalsIgnoreCase(params[i].getId()))
percent = params[i].getValue();
String text = new String(message) + " (" + new String(percent) + ")";
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event Received: " + text);
// provisioning
public void doProvisioning() {
// get device
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration();
Device device = DeviceFactory.getDevice(this.getBaseContext(), connectionConfig);
// new container
ContainerInitialization config = new ContainerInitialization();
config.activationCode = myActivationCode;
config.initialPassword = myInitialPassword;
config.pushId = myPushId;
config.containerFriendlyName = myContainerName;
Container container = device.createContainer(config, this);

// progress listener
public EventResult onEventReceived(Event event) {
if (event instanceof PasswordPromptEvent) {
// Continue: operation can continue
// Cancel: operation is cancelled by the user.
// Abort: operation is aborted by the app
PasswordPromptResult result = new PasswordPromptResult(EventResult.Code.Continue);
return result;
} else {// progress message
Parameter[] params = event.getParameters();
char[] message = null; char[] percent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (SDKConstants.PARAM_SYNCEVENT_MESSAGE.equalsIgnoreCase(params[i].getId()))
message = params[i].getValue();
if (SDKConstants.PARAM_SYNCEVENT_PERCENT.equalsIgnoreCase(params[i].getId()))
percent = params[i].getValue();
String text = new String(message) + " (" + new String(percent) + ")";
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event Received: " + text);
return null;
// provisioning
public void doProvisioning() {
// get device
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration();
Device device = DeviceFactory.getDevice(this.getBaseContext(), connectionConfig, mySessionPwd);
// new container
ContainerInitialization config = new ContainerInitialization();
config.activationCode = myActivationCode;
// NOTE: “config.initialPassword” is not supported; use listener
config.pushId = myPushId;
config.containerFriendlyName = myContainerName;
Container container = device.createContainer(config, mySessionPwd, this);

// progress listener
public EventResult onEventReceived(Event event) {
if (event instanceof PasswordPromptEvent) {
// Continue: operation can continue
// Cancel: operation is cancelled by the user.
// Abort: operation is aborted by the app
PasswordPromptResult result = new PasswordPromptResult(EventResult.Code.Continue);
return result;
} else {// progress message
Parameter[] params = event.getParameters();
char[] message = null; char[] percent = null;
for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (SDKConstants.PARAM_SYNCEVENT_MESSAGE.equalsIgnoreCase(params[i].getId()))
message = params[i].getValue();
if (SDKConstants.PARAM_SYNCEVENT_PERCENT.equalsIgnoreCase(params[i].getId()))
percent = params[i].getValue();
String text = new String(message) + " (" + new String(percent) + ")";
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Event Received: " + text);
return null;
// provisioning
public void doProvisioning() {
// get device
ConnectionConfiguration connectionConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration();
Device device = DeviceFactory.getDevice(this.getBaseContext(), connectionConfig);
// new container
ContainerInitialization config = new ContainerInitialization();
config.activationCode = myActivationCode;
// NOTE: “config.initialPassword” is not supported; use listener
config.pushId = myPushId;
config.containerFriendlyName = myContainerName;
Container container = device.createContainer(config, mySessionPwd, this);
Biometric Authentication

// Custom AuthenticationCallback implementation that receives sensor events
class CustomAuthenticationCallback extends FingerprintManager.AuthenticationCallback {
public void onAuthenticationError(int errorCode, CharSequence errString) {
// Display error
public void onAuthenticationHelp(int helpCode, CharSequence helpString) {
// Give feedback to user
public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(FingerprintManager.AuthenticationResult result) {
// Fingerprint matched, let’s proceed with the operation requested
otp = otpGenerator.getOTP(null);
// Display OTP
public void onAuthenticationFailed() {
// Dismiss UI / display user that fingerprint didn’t match
// A usual behavior is to prompt the user for his/her password
// Method invoked when button to generate OTP is clicked
public void onGenerateOTPClick(View v) {
// Pass an AuthenticationCallback instance and a CancellationSignal instance to the SDK
bioPasswordPolicy.enableFingerprintManager(customAuthenticationCallback, cancellationSignal);
// Perform the requested operation, for example getOTP
try {
otp = otpGenerator.getOTP(null);
// Display OTP
} catch (FingerprintAuthenticationRequiredException e) {
// Display UI to show user that he/she must put his/her finger on sensor

// Custom BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback implementation that receives sensor events
class CustomAuthenticationCallback extends BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback {
public void onAuthenticationError(int errorCode, CharSequence errString) {
// Display error
public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(FingerprintManager.AuthenticationResult result) {
// Fingerprint matched, let’s proceed with the operation requested
otp = otpGenerator.getOTP(null);
// Display OTP
public void onAuthenticationFailed() {
// Dismiss UI / display user that fingerprint didn’t match
// A usual behavior is to prompt the user for his/her password
// Method invoked when button to generate OTP is clicked
public void onGenerateOTPClick(View v) {
// Construct PromptInfo dialog
BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo prompt =
new BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder()
.setTitle(activity.getString("Confirm fingerprint"))
// Pass Activity/Fragment, AuthenticationCallback and PromptInfo instances to the SDK
// Perform the requested operation, for example getOTP
otp = otpGenerator.getOTP(null);
// Display OTP

ProtectionPolicy containerPolicy = pContainer.getProtectionPolicy();
if (containerPolicy.getType().equals(ProtectionPolicy.PolicyType.BIOPASSWORD.toString())
BioPasswordPolicy bioPasswordPolicy = (BioPasswordPolicy)containerPolicy;
if (bioPasswordPolicy.getBioAuthenticationState() == BioAuthenticationState.NOT_ENABLED)
// Prompt user for his/her password
// Then enable authentication with fingerprint