Using the HID CMS Operator Portal
Operators can issue and manage devices using the HID CMS Operator Portal interface. Currently, this Operator Portal has limited functionality. To connect to the HID CMS Operator Portal , use the following URL: https://<CMS Server>/aims/gui
After authentication, you reach the portal’s Welcome page:
Overview of Welcome Page
The Users and Devices menus are available on the Welcome Page:
Click the Users menu to search for a user, and issue and manage their devices.
Click the Devices menu to perform various actions (terminate, recycle, etc.) on connected devices.
Button to access Users Page
Button to access Devices Page
The left panel can be hidden or expanded using the buttons in the top left corner of the Welcome page:
Button to hide panel
Button to expand panel
Two additional buttons are found in the top right corner of the Welcome page:
Help button to access online documentation
Button to log out and return to the standard interface
Current Limitations
Only operators with specific predefined roles can access the HID CMS Operator Portal. For details about defining and assigning these roles, see Configuring Operator Permissions.
- When support for multiple devices is enabled (see Setting Parameters for Devices in the ActivID CMS online documentation), users will not be able to manage their devices with the User Portal and will need to contact the Help Desk instead.
- If an operator declares an incident for a device (lost or stolen) using the HID CMS Operator Portal, they must also use the HID CMS Operator Portal to either replace or terminate the device.
- It is not possible to manage a device that was declared lost or stolen in the HID CMS Operator Portal using the legacy ActivID CMS Operator Portal. However, once the lost or stolen device has been recycled or terminated using the HID CMS Operator Portal, it is then possible to remove it from the database using the legacy ActivID CMS Operator Portal.
If an operator assigns a device to a user using the HID CMS Operator Portal, there is no email containing an initial password sent to the user.
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