Crescendo SDK
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CrescendoDLL.SDKCore Class Reference

The SDKCore class contains all fundamental methods that can be used by the user to communicate with the SmartCard. More...


struct  FunctionResult
 Represents the result of a function execution. More...

Public Types

enum  SecretType { PIN , XAUTH }
 Representing types of secrets that can be used or authentication. More...

Public Member Functions

bool AuthenticateWithPIN (string pin)
 Authenticates on the ACA applet using a PIN.
bool AuthenticateWithXAUTH (string? xauthKey, string? challenge=default!, XAUTHKeyType? xauthKeyType=null)
 Authenticates on the ACA applet using an XAUTH key.
FunctionResult ChangePIN (string? newPin)
 This function changes the PIN based on the provided parameters.
bool ChangeXAUTHMode (XAUTHChallengeType xauthMode)
 This function changes the XAUTH mode based on the provided parameter.
bool ConfigureOATHSlot (string? oathSlot, int buttonPress, string oathKey, int timeStep, OATHModeName oathMode, string oathCounter, HashAlgoValues oathHash, int codeDigits, string friendlyName, int truncationOffset, string transportKey, string pskcPath)
 This function configures the OATH slot based on the provided parameters.
bool ConfigureOCRASlot (string? oathSlot, int buttonPress, string ocraSuite, string oathKey, string friendlyName)
 This function configures the OCRA OATH slot based on the provided parameters.
bool ConfigureStaticPassword (string password, KeyboardEncodings encoding, string? oathSlot, int buttonPress, string friendlyName)
 This function configures the Static Password on specified OATH slot based on the provided parameters. Only works with Applet version V4.
bool DeleteOATHSlot (string? oathSlot, int buttonPress, string? pskcPath)
 This function deletes the oathSlot configuration and key based on the provided parameters.
bool DeleteXAUTHKey (XAUTHKeyType xauthKeyType)
 This function deletes a Symmetric XAUTH key of a specified type from the token.
void Dispose ()
 Releases all resources used by the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore instance.
FunctionResult EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK (AsymmetricKeyParameter publicKey, object inputData, KeyTypeToBeTransferredWithSKI dataType)
 Encrypts the Key Encryption Key (KEK) and another input data (either PIV, XAUTH or OATH key) with the KEK.
FunctionResult FIDOChangePIN (string? newPin)
 This function changes the FIDO PIN using the CTAP standard.
FunctionResult FIDOSetPIN (string? newPin)
 This function sets a FIDO PIN using the CTAP standard.
bool FIDOTokenReset ()
 Resets the FIDO configuration to its default state and deletes all the discoverable credentials.
FunctionResult GenerateOTP (string? oathSlot, int buttonPress)
 This function generates an OTP (One-Time Password) based on the provided parameters.
FunctionResult GetChallenge ()
 Retrieves a XAUTH challenge.
FunctionResult GetSKITransportKey ()
 This function retrieves the Secure Key Injection (SKI) RSA3072 transport key.
FunctionResult ListACAProperties ()
 This function lists the properties of the ACA applet.
FunctionResult ListFIDOProperties ()
 This function lists the properties of the FIDO Attestation Applet, as well as the basic parameters of the FIDO Authenticator when used with elevated privileges.
FunctionResult ListOATHProperties ()
 Lists the OATH properties of the OATH applet.
FunctionResult ListPIVProperties ()
 Prints the properties of the PIV applet.
bool Logout ()
 Logs out of the ACA applet and clears the cache.
FunctionResult NewToken (string? newPin)
 Personalizes a new token with newPin , generates and returns a new PUK and personalizes the PIV Personal info (CHUID).
FunctionResult OCRAAuthenticate (string? oathSlot, int buttonPress, string challenge, string? secret, string? session)
 This function performs an OCRA Challenge Response or Digital Signature operation with previously configured OCRA slot.
bool PIVAddDataToDataObject (string berTLVTag, List<(string tag, byte[] data)> tagsData)
 This function adds one or multiple data items to a PIV data object on a token.
bool PIVChangeDataObjectACR (string berTLVTag, string personalizationACR, string contactUsageACR, string contactlessUsageACR)
 This function changes the Access Control Rules (ACR) of a given PIV data object on a token.
bool PIVDeleteCertificate (string berTLVTag)
 This function deletes a certificate identified by the berTLVTag from a token.
bool PIVDeleteDataFromDataObject (string berTLVTag, string tag)
 This function deletes data identified by a tag from a PIV data object on a token.
bool PIVDeleteKey (string keyReference)
 This function deletes a PIV key from the provided key reference.
FunctionResult PIVGenerateKeyPair (PIVCryptographicMechanismIdentifier cryptoMechanism, string keyReference, bool getExistingPublicKey=false)
 Generates an asymmetric key pair on the ACA applet or retrieves the public key and the public exponent of a previously generated key pair, if possible.
FunctionResult PIVGetCertificate (string berTLVTag)
 This function retrieves a certificate defined by the berTLVTag from a token and exports it as a PFX file.
FunctionResult PIVGetDataObjectContent (string berTLVTag)
 This function retrieves a PIV data object from a token and returns its content as a JSON string.
FunctionResult PIVGetPersonalInfo ()
 Retrieves personal information from a PIV (Personal Identity Verification) card.
bool PIVPutPKIData (string inputFilePath, string password, PIVObjectType pkiObjectType, string? keyReference, string? berTLVTag, string? keyName)
 This function puts the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) data to the token based on the provided parameters.
FunctionResult PIVRawCryptoOperation (string keyReference, DataType inputType, string? inputString, string? inputFilePath, DataType outputType)
 This function performs a raw cryptographic operation using a private key stored on the token. This is primarily meant for RSA keys, though it is possible to use ECC key as well.
FunctionResult PIVSignData (string keyReference, DataType inputType, string? inputString, string? inputFilePath, DataType outputType, HashAlgoValues hashAlgo, DataType hashType=DataType.BASE64)
 This function signs data using a defined PIV key.
FunctionResult PUKPut (string? puk, bool storePukToPIVDataObjects=true)
 Puts a PUK on the token. If no PUK is provided, a random 8 byte PUK is generated.
bool PutXAUTHKey (string? xauthKey, XAUTHKeyType? xauthKeyType)
 This function puts a Symmetric XAUTH key of a specified type onto the token.
FunctionResult ReadCacheFreshness ()
 Reads the cache freshness.
bool ResetPINTries (string newPin, string puk)
 This function resets the PIN tries based on the provided parameters.
bool ResetToken ()
 Resets the token to its default state.
 SDKCore (string token)
 Initializes a new instance of the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore class.
bool SecureKeyInjection (PIVCryptographicMechanismIdentifier cryptoMechanism, string keyReference, string inputJSONObject, string? pivKeyName)
 This function injects a PIV, OATH or XAUTH key into a token using Secure Key Injection (SKI).
void SetPINDialog (Func< SecretType, string > userDialog)
 Sets the method to gather the PIN from the user.
void SetPINForPythonWrapper (string pin)
 Sets the PIN for the Python wrapper.
void SetXAUTHDialog (Func< SecretType, string > userDialog)
 Sets the method to gather the XAUTH from the user.
void SetXAUTHForPythonWrapper (string xauth)
 Sets the XAUTH for the Python wrapper.
bool UpdatePINProperties (int? maxPinTryCounter, int? maxPinUnlockCounter, int? maxContactlessPinCounter, int? minPinLength, int? maxPinLength, int weakPinControl, int changePinAfterFirstUse, int pinNumericOnly)
 Updates the PIN properties on the ACA applet.
bool VerifyPin ()
 Verifies PIN on the ACA applet.

Static Public Member Functions

static void PrintAllAvailableTokens ()
 This function prints all available tokens and their ATRs to the log.
static void SetLogAction (LogActionDelegate logAction)
 Sets the action to be performed when a log message is generated.
static void SetLogLevel (LogLevel severity)
 Sets the severity level for logging.
static bool TokenOptions ()
 function prints all available tokens - their name, reader name and Token ATR

Public Attributes

APDUEngine Engine
 The Engine object contains references to applet objects, their current properties and all the necessary internal methods to allow PCSC communication with the SmartCard.

Detailed Description

The SDKCore class contains all fundamental methods that can be used by the user to communicate with the SmartCard.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ SecretType

Representing types of secrets that can be used or authentication.


PIN: Personal Identification Number. A type of secret used for authentication.


XAUTH: External Authentication Key. A type of secret used for providing additional security.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SDKCore()

CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SDKCore ( string  token)

Initializes a new instance of the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore class.

tokenThe token to be used for initialization. This can be either the index or the name of the reader with the token.

This constructor begins by calling the Initialize method with the provided token parameter. The Initialize method lists the readers, and then checks if the token parameter is a number or a name. Depending on the type of the token parameter, it finds the index of the token in the list of all the readers accordingly. If the index is valid, it retrieves the reader name and creates a new CrescendoDLL.PCSC.APDUEngine object with the reader name. It also sets the pcscImpl, TokenATR, and TokenName properties of the CrescendoDLL.PCSC.APDUEngine object. After setting up the CrescendoDLL.PCSC.APDUEngine object, it logs the connection details and assigns the CrescendoDLL.PCSC.APDUEngine object to the Engine property of the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore instance.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AuthenticateWithPIN()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.AuthenticateWithPIN ( string  pin)

Authenticates on the ACA applet using a PIN.

pinThe PIN to be used for authentication.
true if the PIN verification is successful, false otherwise.

This function attempts to verify the pin on the ACA applet. It calls the VerifyPIN method of the ACA applet with the pin . If pin is left empty, the function simply verifies whether the user is already authenticated or not.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.VerifyPin().

◆ AuthenticateWithXAUTH()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.AuthenticateWithXAUTH ( string?  xauthKey,
string?  challenge = default!,
XAUTHKeyType xauthKeyType = null 

Authenticates on the ACA applet using an XAUTH key.

xauthKeyThe XAUTH key to be used for authentication. If this parameter is null or empty, a default XAUTH key will be used based on the xauthKeyType .
challengeThe Encrypted challenge to be used for the authentication. If this parameter is null or empty, a fresh challenge will be retrieved from the ACA applet.
xauthKeyTypeThe type of the XAUTH key to be put onto the token. Valid options are AES and TDES. If this parameter is null, the XAUTH key type will be determined based on the length of xauthKey
true if the external authentication is successful, false otherwise.

This function attempts to authenticate on the ACA applet using the provided xauthKey .

The function calls the Authenticate method on the ACA applet with the provided xauthKey and the XAUTH type read from the token (Static or Dynamic).

The Authenticate method then performs either static or dynamic External Authentication. For static authentication, it uses a fixed challenge string. For dynamic authentication, it either retrieves a fresh challenge using the GetChallenge method or uses the challenge , if provided.

When working with the fresh challenge, the challenge is encrypted with xauthKey and the appropriate encryption method (AES or TDES) based either on the key length or on the xauthKeyType . Either The encrypted challenge or the provided challenge is then used to perform the actual authentication on the ACA applet.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ChangePIN()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ChangePIN ( string?  newPin)

This function changes the PIN based on the provided parameters.

newPinThe new PIN to be set. If not provided, a random 6-digit PIN is generated.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the PIN change was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the new PIN value.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the newPin does not meet the length requirements.

If the newPin is not provided, a random 6-digit PIN is generated. If the newPin does not meet the length requirements stored on the token, an exception is thrown.

The function then tries to change the PIN to either the newPin , or the randomly generated value.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.NewToken().

◆ ChangeXAUTHMode()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ChangeXAUTHMode ( XAUTHChallengeType  xauthMode)

This function changes the XAUTH mode based on the provided parameter.

xauthModeXAUTH challenge type. Valid options are Static and Dynamic.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the applet version is 4 or higher and xauthMode was set to Static, as only Dynamic External Authentication Mode is supported.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ConfigureOATHSlot()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOATHSlot ( string?  oathSlot,
int  buttonPress,
string  oathKey,
int  timeStep,
OATHModeName  oathMode,
string  oathCounter,
HashAlgoValues  oathHash,
int  codeDigits,
string  friendlyName,
int  truncationOffset,
string  transportKey,
string  pskcPath 

This function configures the OATH slot based on the provided parameters.

oathSlotThe OATH slot to be configured.
buttonPressThe number of button presses required to activate the slot, when working with Crescendo Keys. This can be only 0, 1 (on all Applet versions) or 2 (on Applet V4 version)
oathKeyThe OATH key to be set.
timeStepThe time step for the TOTP OATH algorithm in seconds.
oathModeThe OATH mode to be set. Valid options are HOTP, TOTP.
oathCounterThe OATH counter to be set.
oathHashThe hash algorithm to be used by the OATH algorithm. Valid options are SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512.
codeDigitsThe number of digits in the OATH code.
friendlyNameThe friendly name for the slot.
transportKeyThe transport key to be used. Has to be 16 bytes (32 digits) long.
pskcPathThe path to the PSKC file.
truncationOffsetTruncation Offset Value. Valid options are 0 and 16
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

The function puts the OATH configuration to the token and then puts the OATH key to the token. When working with V4 FIPS token, the OATH key will get transferred to the token using Secure Key Injection.

The function then updates (or creates a new) PSKC file containing all necessary details.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetSKITransportKey(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SecureKeyInjection(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue.

◆ ConfigureOCRASlot()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOCRASlot ( string?  oathSlot,
int  buttonPress,
string  ocraSuite,
string  oathKey,
string  friendlyName 

This function configures the OCRA OATH slot based on the provided parameters.

oathSlotThe OATH slot to be configured.
buttonPressThe number of button presses required to activate the slot, when working with Crescendo Keys. This can be only 0, 1 (on all Applet versions) or 2 (on Applet V4 version)
ocraSuiteThe OCRA Suite string value in the format of Algorithm:CryptoFunction:DataInput, as described in RFC6287.
oathKeyThe OATH key to be set.
friendlyNameThe friendly name for the slot.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

The function puts an OCRA OATH configuration to the token and then puts the OATH key to the token. When working with V4 FIPS token, the OATH key will get transferred to the token using Secure Key Injection.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetSKITransportKey(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SecureKeyInjection(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue.

◆ ConfigureStaticPassword()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureStaticPassword ( string  password,
KeyboardEncodings  encoding,
string?  oathSlot,
int  buttonPress,
string  friendlyName 

This function configures the Static Password on specified OATH slot based on the provided parameters. Only works with Applet version V4.

passwordThe password to be stored to the token.
encodingThe keyboard encoding used to store the static password. Valid options are US and FR.
oathSlotThe OATH slot to be configured.
buttonPressThe number of button presses required to activate the slot, when working with Crescendo Keys. This can be only 1 or 2
friendlyNameThe friendly name for the slot.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

The function first puts the Static Password OATH configuration to the token and then puts password itself in given encoding to the token.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ DeleteOATHSlot()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.DeleteOATHSlot ( string?  oathSlot,
int  buttonPress,
string?  pskcPath 

This function deletes the oathSlot configuration and key based on the provided parameters.

oathSlotThe OATH slot to be deleted.
buttonPressThe number of button presses required to activate the slot, when working with Crescendo Keys. This can be only 0, 1 (on all Applet versions) or 2 (on Applet V4 version)
pskcPathThe path to the PSKC file.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

The function deletes the OATH key using the DeleteOATHKey method on applet V3, or deletes the entire OATH configuration using the DeleteOATHConf method on applet V4.

The function then checks if the PSKC file exists on the pskcPath . If it does, it loads the existing PSKC file, removes the existing KeyPackage with the same Slot ID from the XML content, and saves the entire structure back to the PSKC file. If the PSKC file does not exist or the KeyPackage is not in the PSKC file, the function just logs a warning message that there is nothing to update.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ DeleteXAUTHKey()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.DeleteXAUTHKey ( XAUTHKeyType  xauthKeyType)

This function deletes a Symmetric XAUTH key of a specified type from the token.

xauthKeyTypeThe type of the XAUTH key to be deleted. Possible options are TDES and AES.
true if the XAUTH key deletion was successful, false otherwise.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the specified XAUTH key type does not exist on the token.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ Dispose()

void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Dispose ( )

Releases all resources used by the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore instance.

It also disposes the CardContext object and disconnects and disposes the Reader object. Finally, it suppresses the finalization of the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore instance to prevent the garbage collector from calling the finalizer if it was overridden.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK ( AsymmetricKeyParameter  publicKey,
object  inputData,
KeyTypeToBeTransferredWithSKI  dataType 

Encrypts the Key Encryption Key (KEK) and another input data (either PIV, XAUTH or OATH key) with the KEK.

publicKeyThe Secure Key Injection (SKI) RSA3072 public (transport) key.
inputDataThe input data to be encrypted. This can be either XAUTH or OATH key (direct hex string representation), or PIV key (AsymmetricKeyParameter object).
dataTypeThe type of the key to be transferred with SKI.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success of the operation, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is a string containing the encrypted data in JSON format.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the input XAUTH key size is not valid, when XAUTH or OATH key does not include only valid hexadecimal numbers, or when the publicKeyPEMfilePath does not contain RSA or EC public key in PKCS #8 format.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOATHSlot(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOCRASlot(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVPutPKIData(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PutXAUTHKey().

◆ FIDOChangePIN()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FIDOChangePIN ( string?  newPin)

This function changes the FIDO PIN using the CTAP standard.

newPinThe new PIN to be set. If not provided, a random 6-digit PIN is generated.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the PIN change was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the new PIN value.

If the newPin is not provided, a random 6-digit PIN is generated.

The function then tries to change the PIN to either the newPin , or the randomly generated value using the CTAP standard form of communication.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.


FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FIDOSetPIN ( string?  newPin)

This function sets a FIDO PIN using the CTAP standard.

newPinThe new PIN to be set. If not provided, a random 6-digit PIN is generated.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the PIN setup was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the new PIN value.

If the newPin is not provided, a random 6-digit PIN is generated.

The function then tries to set the PIN to either the newPin , or the randomly generated value using the CTAP standard form of communication. This will only work when the PIN has not been set/initialized before.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ FIDOTokenReset()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FIDOTokenReset ( )

Resets the FIDO configuration to its default state and deletes all the discoverable credentials.

true if the FIDO configuration reset is successful, false otherwise.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ GenerateOTP()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GenerateOTP ( string?  oathSlot,
int  buttonPress 

This function generates an OTP (One-Time Password) based on the provided parameters.

oathSlotThe OATH slot to be used for generating the OTP.
buttonPressThe number of button presses required to activate the slot, when working with Crescendo Keys. This can be only 0, 1 (on all Applet versions) or 2 (on Applet V4 version)
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the OTP generation was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the generated OTP as a string.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ GetChallenge()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetChallenge ( )

Retrieves a XAUTH challenge.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success of the operation and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the challenge that was retrieved from the ACA applet as a string.

This function calls the GetChallenge method of the ACA applet to retrieve the XAUTH challenge, and returns it as a string.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ GetSKITransportKey()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetSKITransportKey ( )

This function retrieves the Secure Key Injection (SKI) RSA3072 transport key.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success of the operation, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is a base64 string containing the RSA3072 transport key.

The function checks if a public / private Key pair exists on Key Reference 0xF0 and that the applet version is higher then 4.0. If both public and private keys are initialized, it reads the public key value (modulus and exponent). Otherwise, it generates a new key pair and gets the corresponding public key value.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVGenerateKeyPair(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOATHSlot(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOCRASlot(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVPutPKIData(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PutXAUTHKey().

◆ ListACAProperties()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ListACAProperties ( )

This function lists the properties of the ACA applet.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the properties listing was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is a string representation of the ACA applet properties in JSON format.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ListFIDOProperties()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ListFIDOProperties ( )

This function lists the properties of the FIDO Attestation Applet, as well as the basic parameters of the FIDO Authenticator when used with elevated privileges.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the properties listing was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is a string representation of the FIDO applet properties in JSON format.

References CrescendoDLL.PCSC.cert, and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ListOATHProperties()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ListOATHProperties ( )

Lists the OATH properties of the OATH applet.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the properties listing was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is a string representation of the OATH applet properties in JSON format.

This function gets OATH applet properties for each possible AID and stores them into an array.

The function then serializes the array into a JSON string using the JsonConvert.SerializeObject method.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ListPIVProperties()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ListPIVProperties ( )

Prints the properties of the PIV applet.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the properties listing was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is a string representation of the PIV applet properties in JSON format.

This function gets PIV applet properties and serializes them into a JSON string using the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult JsonConvert.SerializeObject method.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ Logout()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Logout ( )

Logs out of the ACA applet and clears the cache.

Returns true if the logout is successful, false otherwise.

This function attempts to log out of the ACA applet. If the logout is successful, it clears the authentication cache.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ NewToken()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.NewToken ( string?  newPin)

Personalizes a new token with newPin , generates and returns a new PUK and personalizes the PIV Personal info (CHUID).

newPinThe new PIN to be set on the token. If left empty, PIN will not change from the default value.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success of the operation and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the PUK that was put on the token as a string.

This function attempts to personalize a new token.

It first resets the token and updates the PIN properties to default values.

After that, if newPin is provided, it changes the PIN from the default value to newPin .

A random PUK is generated and put on the token. It also uploads the PUK relevant data to the PIV Data objects.

Finally, it uploads the PIV Personal info (CHUID) and Card Capability Container to the token.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ChangePIN(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVAddDataToDataObject(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PUKPut(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ResetToken(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success, and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.UpdatePINProperties().

◆ OCRAAuthenticate()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.OCRAAuthenticate ( string?  oathSlot,
int  buttonPress,
string  challenge,
string?  secret,
string?  session 

This function performs an OCRA Challenge Response or Digital Signature operation with previously configured OCRA slot.

oathSlotThe OATH slot to be configured.
buttonPressThe number of button presses required to activate the slot, when working with Crescendo Keys. This can be only 0, 1 (on all Applet versions) or 2 (on Applet V4 version)
challengeThe challenge to be used for the OCRA operation - this corresponds to Q in the RFC6287.
secretThe secret (PIN/Password) to be Hashed and used for the OCRA operation - this corresponds to P in the RFC6287 before the hashing operation.
sessionThe session information to be used for the OCRA operation - this corresponds to S in the RFC6287.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the OCRA Authentication generation was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the result of the OCRA operation as a string.

The function reads the OCRA configuration from specified OATH slot, and processes the input data accordingly. If secret or session are required but not entered, it throws an exception.

The function then constructs the OCRA message and sends it to the token for processing. The OCRA authentication result is then returned as a string.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ PIVAddDataToDataObject()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVAddDataToDataObject ( string  berTLVTag,
List<(string tag, byte[] data)>  tagsData 

This function adds one or multiple data items to a PIV data object on a token.

berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of the data object to which data is to be added.
tagsDataA list of tuples, where each tuple contains a tag (string) and its corresponding data (byte array) to be added.
true if the data addition is successful, false otherwise.

This function first retrieves the PIV data object from the token using the specified berTLVTag . The function then tries to add each specified tagsData to the PIV data object.

If the same tag already exists in the PIV data object, it gets rewritten.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.NewToken().

◆ PIVChangeDataObjectACR()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVChangeDataObjectACR ( string  berTLVTag,
string  personalizationACR,
string  contactUsageACR,
string  contactlessUsageACR 

This function changes the Access Control Rules (ACR) of a given PIV data object on a token.

berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of the data object whose ACR is to be changed.
personalizationACRThe personalization ACR to be set.
contactUsageACRThe contact usage ACR to be set.
contactlessUsageACRThe contactless usage ACR to be set.
true if the ACR update is successful, false otherwise.

This function first checks the applet version (ACR can be modified only on applet V4). It then checks if the Data object identified by berTLVTag is empty. If it is, the function stores the ACR on the specified PIV data object using the provided ACR values.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVPutPKIData().

◆ PIVDeleteCertificate()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVDeleteCertificate ( string  berTLVTag)

This function deletes a certificate identified by the berTLVTag from a token.

berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of the certificate to be deleted.
true if the certificate deletion is successful, false otherwise.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the berTLVTag does not correspond to a valid certificate on the token, or when the public key from the certificate does not match the public key stored under tag 0x68 in the PIV Data Object.

The Function first retrieves the data object from the token using the berTLVTag and extracts the certificate from the data object.

If the public key stored under tag 0x68 does not correspond to the public key from the certificate (or if there is no tag 0x68 in the PIV Data Object), it adds the public key from the certificate to the dataObject.

It then removes both tags connected to the certificate from the PIV Data Object.

References CrescendoDLL.PCSC.cert.

◆ PIVDeleteDataFromDataObject()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVDeleteDataFromDataObject ( string  berTLVTag,
string  tag 

This function deletes data identified by a tag from a PIV data object on a token.

berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of the data object from which data is to be deleted.
tagThe tag of the data to be deleted. If set to all, all data from the data object will be deleted.
true if the data deletion is successful, false otherwise.

This function retrieves the PIV data object from the token using the specified berTLVTag and removes the specified tag from the PIV data object. If the parameter tag is all, it removes all content from the PIV data object.

It then constructs a new data field from the updated PIV data object and updates the PIV data object on the token.

◆ PIVDeleteKey()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVDeleteKey ( string  keyReference)

This function deletes a PIV key from the provided key reference.

keyReferenceThe key reference to the key that needs to be deleted.
true if the key deletion is successful, false otherwise.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ PIVGenerateKeyPair()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVGenerateKeyPair ( PIVCryptographicMechanismIdentifier  cryptoMechanism,
string  keyReference,
bool  getExistingPublicKey = false 

Generates an asymmetric key pair on the ACA applet or retrieves the public key and the public exponent of a previously generated key pair, if possible.

cryptoMechanismThe cryptographic mechanism identifier to be used for key pair generation. Possible options are RSA2048, RSA3072, RSA4096, CURVEP256 and CURVEP384.
keyReferenceThe key reference for the key pair.
getExistingPublicKeyA boolean indicating whether to retrieve the public key and the public exponent of a previously generated key pair. If false, a new key pair is generated.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the key pair generation or retrieval was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the public key encoded in base64 string.

This function attempts to generate an asymmetric key pair on the ACA applet or retrieve the public key and the public exponent of a previously generated key pair based on the getExistingPublicKey parameter.

If getExistingPublicKey is true, it checks if the input key reference exists and has an initialized public key. If not, it throws an exception. If getExistingPublicKey is false, it tries to generate an asymmetric key pair on the specified keyReference with the specified cryptoMechanism .

If getExistingPublicKey is true, it logs a success message indicating the successful retrieval of the asymmetric key pair. If getExistingPublicKey is false, it updates the cache freshness and logs a success message indicating the successful generation of the asymmetric key pair.

The function then constructs and returns the public key parameters based on the cryptographic mechanism identifier.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetSKITransportKey().

◆ PIVGetCertificate()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVGetCertificate ( string  berTLVTag)

This function retrieves a certificate defined by the berTLVTag from a token and exports it as a PFX file.

berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of the certificate to be retrieved.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the certificate retrieval and export were successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the content of the PFX file encoded in base64 string.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the BER-TLV tag does not correspond to a valid certificate on the token.

The function first retrieves the data object from the token using the berTLVTag tag and extracts the certificate from the data object. It then exports the certificate to a base64 string.

References CrescendoDLL.PCSC.cert.

◆ PIVGetDataObjectContent()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVGetDataObjectContent ( string  berTLVTag)

This function retrieves a PIV data object from a token and returns its content as a JSON string.

berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of the data object to be retrieved.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success or failure of the operation and the content of the retrieved PIV data object as a JSON string.

This function retrieves a PIV data object from the token using the specified berTLVTag . It then serializes the data object into a JSON string.

◆ PIVGetPersonalInfo()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVGetPersonalInfo ( )

Retrieves personal information from a PIV (Personal Identity Verification) card.

The function retrieves the personal information from the PIV card by reading the Card Holder Unique Identifier and Printed Information data objects. The data is then serialized into a JSON string.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success of the operation, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the JSON representation of the Personal Data.

References CrescendoDLL.PCSC.PIV.

◆ PIVPutPKIData()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVPutPKIData ( string  inputFilePath,
string  password,
PIVObjectType  pkiObjectType,
string?  keyReference,
string?  berTLVTag,
string?  keyName 

This function puts the PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) data to the token based on the provided parameters.

inputFilePathThe path to the input file containing the PKI data. This can be either P12, PFX or PEM file.
passwordThe password for the input file.
pkiObjectTypeThe type of the PKI object to be imported to the token (private key, certificate, or both).
keyReferenceThe PIV Key reference to be used for private key storage.
berTLVTagThe BER-TLV tag of a PIV Data object where a certificate should be stored.
keyNameOptional name of the PIV key. Can be any string max. 32 characters long.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when an unknown PKI object data type is provided.

Depending on the pkiObjectType , the function either puts the private key to the token, puts the certificate to the token, or puts both the private key and the certificate to the token. If the pkiObjectType is unknown, it throws an exception.

For each PKI object type, the function determines the action based on the user input of keyReference and berTLVTag . It either puts the key or certificate to the token using the provided keyReference or berTLVTag , or finds the first key reference with an uninitialized private key and puts the key to the token using that key reference.

If none of the parameters keyReference and berTLVTag are entered and the pkiObjectType is cert, the function also checks if the public key from the certificate matches any BER-TLV buffer with a public key and an initialized private key in the corresponding key reference. If it does not find any match, it throws an exception.

References CrescendoDLL.PCSC.cert, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetSKITransportKey(), CrescendoDLL.PCSC.PIV, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVChangeDataObjectACR(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SecureKeyInjection(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue.

◆ PIVRawCryptoOperation()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVRawCryptoOperation ( string  keyReference,
DataType  inputType,
string?  inputString,
string?  inputFilePath,
DataType  outputType 

This function performs a raw cryptographic operation using a private key stored on the token. This is primarily meant for RSA keys, though it is possible to use ECC key as well.

keyReferenceThe reference to the private key that will be used for the cryptographic operation.
inputTypeThe encoding type of the input string. Valid options are HEX, BASE64, BASE64URL and UTF8. If the input is read from a file, another option BIN (read bytes directly) is available.
inputStringThe input data to be used in the cryptographic operation.
inputFilePathThe path to the file containing the data to be used in the cryptographic operation.
outputTypeThe encoding type of the output string. Valid options are HEX, BASE64, BASE64URL and UTF8. If the output is read from a file, another option BIN (write bytes directly) is available.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success or failure of the operation and the result of the cryptographic operation as a outputType encoded string.

This function starts by reading the data in specified format inputType from the file specified by inputFilePath , or directly as a inputFilePath .

No padding is applied to the input data. You are fully responsible for the proper length and encoding of the input data.

Cryptographic operation using the private key defined by it's keyReference is then performed on the input data. Result of the cryptographic operation in defined format outputType is then returned.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ PIVSignData()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVSignData ( string  keyReference,
DataType  inputType,
string?  inputString,
string?  inputFilePath,
DataType  outputType,
HashAlgoValues  hashAlgo,
DataType  hashType = DataType::BASE64 

This function signs data using a defined PIV key.

keyReferenceThe reference to the key that will be used for signing.
inputTypeThe encoding type of the input string. Valid options are HEX, BASE64, BASE64URL and UTF8. If the input is read from a file, another option BIN (read bytes directly) is available.
inputStringThe input string to be signed.
inputFilePathThe path to the file containing the data to be signed.
outputTypeThe encoding type of the output string. Valid options are HEX, BASE64, BASE64URL and UTF8. If the output is read from a file, another option BIN (write bytes directly) is available.
hashAlgoHash algorithm to be used for input data hashing. Valid options are SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512
hashTypeThe encoding type of the hash string. Valid options are HEX, BASE64, BASE64URL and UTF8. If the hash is to be saved to a file, another option BIN (write bytes directly) is available
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success or failure of the operation and the signed data as a outputType encoded string.

This function starts by reading the data in specified format inputType from the file specified by inputFilePath , or directly as a inputFilePath . It then hashes it using the hashAlgo algorithm.

Depending on the cryptographic mechanism of the Key, the function prepares the data for signing. For RSA mechanisms, the function pads the data to the appropriate length according to the PKCS1 padding scheme. For ECC mechanisms, the function uses the hash directly.

The prepared hashed data is then signed by the private key defined by it's keyReference . Signature in defined format outputType is then returned.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.PCSC.SHA1, CrescendoDLL.PCSC.SHA256, and CrescendoDLL.PCSC.SHA512.

◆ PrintAllAvailableTokens()

static void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PrintAllAvailableTokens ( )

This function prints all available tokens and their ATRs to the log.

For each reader with a token, The function adds an item to a list with the reader's name, token name, token ATR (Answer To Reset), and the assigned number for the -t parameter. Finally, it prints the list to the log.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.TokenOptions().

◆ PUKPut()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PUKPut ( string?  puk,
bool  storePukToPIVDataObjects = true 

Puts a PUK on the token. If no PUK is provided, a random 8 byte PUK is generated.

pukThe PUK to be put on the token. If this is null or empty, a random PUK is generated.
storePukToPIVDataObjectsDefault value is true. If set to false the PUK value will not be stored in the corresponding PIV data objects, meaning it will not be retrievable later.
Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates the success of the operation and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the PUK that was put on the token as a string.

This function begins by checking if the puk parameter is null or empty.

If puk is null or empty, it generates a random 8 byte PUK.

The function then calls the ChangeReferenceData method of the ACA applet with the PUK (either the one provided or the one it generated) to change or create the PUK on the token.

If the PUK putting process is successful, it updates the cache freshness.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.NewToken().

◆ PutXAUTHKey()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PutXAUTHKey ( string?  xauthKey,
XAUTHKeyType xauthKeyType 

This function puts a Symmetric XAUTH key of a specified type onto the token.

xauthKeyThe XAUTH key to be put onto the token. If this parameter is null or empty, a default XAUTH key will be used based on the xauthKeyType .
xauthKeyTypeThe type of the XAUTH key to be put onto the token. Valid options are AES and TDES. If this parameter is null, the XAUTH key type will be determined based on the length of xauthKey
true if the XAUTH key storage was successful, false otherwise.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the specified XAUTH key type is invalid, or when the XAUTH key size is wrong.

If the xauthKey is null or empty, the function sets the XAUTH key to a default value based on the xauthKeyType . If the xauthKeyType parameter is null, it determines the XAUTH key type based on the length of the xauthKey .

When working with V4 FIPS token, the XAUTH key will get transferred to the token using Secure Key Injection.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.EncryptKEKAndDataWithKEK(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine, CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.GetSKITransportKey(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SecureKeyInjection(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue.

◆ ReadCacheFreshness()

FunctionResult CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ReadCacheFreshness ( )

Reads the cache freshness.

Returns a CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult struct where CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.Success indicates whether the cache freshness reading was successful, and the CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.FunctionResult.StringReturnValue is the content of the cache as a string.

This function checks the applet version and throws an InvalidDataException if the applet version is less than 4.0.

It then gets a cache freshness data object from the token. If the data object is empty, it logs a warning message.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ResetPINTries()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ResetPINTries ( string  newPin,
string  puk 

This function resets the PIN tries based on the provided parameters.

newPinThe new PIN to be set.
pukThe PUK (Personal Unblocking Key) used for resetting the PIN tries.
true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

If the puk is not empty, the function resets the PIN tries using the ACAApplet's ResetPINTries method and stores the new PIN in cache.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

◆ ResetToken()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ResetToken ( )

Resets the token to its default state.

true if all operations (authentication, token reset and cache freshness update) are successful, false otherwise.

This function attempts to reset the token to its default state. It first checks if authentication is necessary and performs it if needed. If the authentication fails, it throws an exception. The function then attempts to reset the token, store the default PIN in the cache, and update the cache freshness. Each of these operations returns a boolean indicating its success. If any operation fails, the function will return false.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.NewToken().

◆ SecureKeyInjection()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SecureKeyInjection ( PIVCryptographicMechanismIdentifier  cryptoMechanism,
string  keyReference,
string  inputJSONObject,
string?  pivKeyName 

This function injects a PIV, OATH or XAUTH key into a token using Secure Key Injection (SKI).

cryptoMechanismThe cryptographic mechanism to be used. Possible options are RSA2048, RSA3072, RSA4096, CURVEP256 and CURVEP384.
keyReferenceThe reference to the key.
inputJSONObjectThe input JSON formatted string containing the encrypted session KEK key and encrypted data.
pivKeyNameOptional name of the PIV key. Can be any string max. 32 characters long.
true if the key injection is successful, false otherwise.
InvalidDataExceptionThrown when the input JSON file cannot be deserialized, or when the XAUTH key size read from the JSON file is wrong, or when the JSON file does not contain any objects called OATHKeyProperties, XAUTHKeyProperties, PIVRSAKeyProperties or PIVECKeyProperties.

The function first reads the encrypted session KEK key and encrypted data from the inputJSONObject .

The function then injects the appropriate PIV, XAUTH or OATH key into the token depending on the properties in the JSON object.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOATHSlot(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.ConfigureOCRASlot(), CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PIVPutPKIData(), and CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PutXAUTHKey().

◆ SetLogAction()

static void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetLogAction ( LogActionDelegate  logAction)

Sets the action to be performed when a log message is generated.

logActionThe action to be performed when a log message is generated.

◆ SetLogLevel()

static void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetLogLevel ( LogLevel  severity)

Sets the severity level for logging.

severityThe severity level for logging. Valid options are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR and SILENT

◆ SetPINDialog()

void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetPINDialog ( Func< SecretType, string >  userDialog)

Sets the method to gather the PIN from the user.

userDialogThe method to gather the PIN from the user.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetPINForPythonWrapper().

◆ SetPINForPythonWrapper()

void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetPINForPythonWrapper ( string  pin)

Sets the PIN for the Python wrapper.

pinThe PIN to be set.

This function is an override specifically for the Python wrapper. It uses the SetPINDialog function to set the method for gathering the PIN as just passing the pin .

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetPINDialog().

◆ SetXAUTHDialog()

void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetXAUTHDialog ( Func< SecretType, string >  userDialog)

Sets the method to gather the XAUTH from the user.

userDialogThe method to gather the XAUTH from the user.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetXAUTHForPythonWrapper().

◆ SetXAUTHForPythonWrapper()

void CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetXAUTHForPythonWrapper ( string  xauth)

Sets the XAUTH for the Python wrapper.

xauthThe XAUTH to be set.

This function is an override specifically for the Python wrapper. It uses the SetXAUTHDialog function to set the method for gathering the PIN as just passing the xauth .

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.SetXAUTHDialog().

◆ TokenOptions()

static bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.TokenOptions ( )

function prints all available tokens - their name, reader name and Token ATR

true if the operation was successful, false otherwise.

The function prints all available tokens using the PrintAllAvailableTokens method.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.PrintAllAvailableTokens().

◆ UpdatePINProperties()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.UpdatePINProperties ( int?  maxPinTryCounter,
int?  maxPinUnlockCounter,
int?  maxContactlessPinCounter,
int?  minPinLength,
int?  maxPinLength,
int  weakPinControl,
int  changePinAfterFirstUse,
int  pinNumericOnly 

Updates the PIN properties on the ACA applet.

maxPinTryCounterThe maximum number of PIN tries allowed on contact interface.
maxPinUnlockCounterThe maximum number of PIN unlock tries allowed.
maxContactlessPinCounterThe maximum number of PIN tries allowed on contactless interface.
minPinLengthThe minimum length of the PIN.
maxPinLengthThe maximum length of the PIN.
weakPinControlThe weak PIN control parameter. True means weak Pin control enabled, false means weak pin control disabled
changePinAfterFirstUseThe parameter indicating whether to change the PIN after first use.
pinNumericOnlyThe parameter indicating whether the PIN is numeric only.
true if all operations (authentication, PIN properties update, and cache freshness update) are successful, false otherwise.

This function attempts to update the PIN properties on the ACA applet. If the ACA applet version is less than 4.0 and any of the maxPinTryCounter , maxPinUnlockCounter , or maxContactlessPinCounter parameters are not null, it logs a warning message indicating that these values cannot be modified on applets with a version less than 4.0.

The function then attempts to update the PIN properties on the ACA applet. If the applet version is 4.0 or higher, it updates the PIN properties separately for changePinAfterFirstUse and weakPinControl (separate APDUs are needed).

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.Engine.

Referenced by CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.NewToken().

◆ VerifyPin()

bool CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.VerifyPin ( )

Verifies PIN on the ACA applet.

true if the PIN verification is successful, false otherwise.

This function determines PIN from user input, and then calls CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.AuthenticateWithPIN.

References CrescendoDLL.SDKCore.AuthenticateWithPIN().