User Authentication
Mandatory Server Settings |
<HID Authentication Service Host> |
<Org admin user of HID Authentication Service Tenant> |
<Password for the Org admin user> |
<App key of the fabric application> |
<App secret of the fabric application> |
Optional Server Settings |
<Static Password Authenticator if other than AT_STDPWD> |
<OOB SMS Authenticator if other than AT_OOBSMS> |
<OOB Email Authenticator if other than AT_OOBEML> |
<Device type to be used for Approve if other than DT_TDSV4> | |
<HID Approve OTP Authenticator if other than AT_EMPOTP> |
<Hardware Token OTP Authenticator if other than AT_OTP> |
Authentication Component Properties
S.No. | Property Name | Allowed Values | Purpose |
1 |
This property determines the second authentication factor to be used for authentication after the Static password authentication. Currently, the component supports the following factors:
Authentication Component Functions
No public function is exposed. All the functions are called from the UI provided with the component.
Authentication Component Events
1 |
onSuccessCallback |
Callback to be defined for successful login. |
2 |
onFailureCallback |
Callback to be defined for failure during login. |
Authentication Component Flow
- In the first screen, the user provides their Username and Password, then clicks Submit.
After successfully validating the user's static password, based on the defined value of the MFA property, the component displays the screen to authenticate using the second authentication factor:
HID Approve
- If the user has more than one registered HID Approve device, the list of devices is displayed.
- If user has only one registered HID Approve device, the user will receive a push notification directly.
- The user can either select a device to which to send Push notification or they can select to authenticate using an HID Approve Secure Code.
- On selecting the device, the user receives a Push notification on the selected device. The user can also select to authenticate using an HID Approve Secure Code.
- After approving the Push notification, user is directed to the next screen confirming that they have been successfully authenticated and can log out if required.
OTP via SMS or Email
User receives an OTP either by SMS or by email based on the MFA selected.
On the next screen, the user enters the received OTP and clicks Confirm to complete the authentication.
After validating the OTP successfully, the user is directed to the next screen confirming that they have been successfully authenticated and can log out if required.
OTP with Hardware token
The user generates an OTP using their hardware token.
- On the next screen, the user enters the OTP and clicks Confirm to complete the authentication.
After validating the OTP successfully, the user is directed to the next screen confirming that they have been successfully authenticated and can log out if required.
Authentication Component Services
Object Services
ServiceName | DataModel | Mapping | Purpose | Input Parameters | Invoking |
HIDAuthService |
ApproveRequest |
initiate |
Send the Push notification to the HID Approve device. |
Username, deviceId |
HIDApproveInitiation > initiate |
HIDAuthService |
ApproveStatus |
poll |
Poll to the ApproveCallback service to fetch the status of user's response to the HID Approve Push notification. |
mfa_key (authRequest Id from the initiate service response) |
HIDPollConsensus > getHIDApprovalStatus |
HIDAuthService |
Devices |
searchDevices |
Get the list of devices associated with the user. |
username |
SearchPushDevicesOrch > getDevices |
HIDAuthService |
OTPRequest |
sendOTP |
Send the OOB (SMS/Email) OTP to the user. |
username, AuthenticatorType (AT_OOBSMS/AT_OOBEML) |
SendOTPService > sendOTP |
Fabric Services
Names | Operation Name | Service Type | Description |
ClientIdentity |
- |
Identity |
Fetches Client Bearer Token |
customHIDLogin |
- |
Identity |
End-user authentication with MFA validation |
ClientAuthIdentityWrapper |
getClientBearerToken |
Integration |
IntegrationWrapper of ClientIdentity |
CustomFactorValidation |
login |
Integration |
Authenticates the user using the first authentication factor, based on the input Auth type, it invokes the desired service and forms the result data set for MFA validation. |
CustomMFASelector |
validateMFA |
Integration |
Validates the MFA and authenticates the user using the second authentication factor based on the input auth type by invoking the desired services. |
DependencyManager |
Integration |
Resolves the dependencies for HIDProcessor.jar. |
HIDApproveInitiation |
Initiate |
Integration |
Sends an HID Approve Push notification to the user's registered device. |
HIDPollConsensus |
getHIDApprovalStatus |
Integration |
Java service to fetch the callback response of the HID Approve push notification. |
OTPAuthServices |
hardwareOTPAuth |
Integration |
Validates the Hardware token OTP for the user. |
OTPAuthServices |
validateOTPAuth |
Integration |
Validates the OOB (SMS/Email) OTP. |
PasswordAuthServices |
passwordValidation |
Integration |
Validates the user's static password. |
SearchServices |
SearchDeviceAuth |
Integration |
Lists the devices associated with the user. |
SearchServices |
SearchUserAuth |
Integration |
Searches for the user. |
SendOTPService |
sendOTP |
Integration |
Sends an OOB (SMS/Email) OTP to the user. |
UserIdentityAttributes | getAttributes | Integration | Infinity service to fetch the customer's identity attributes. |
LoginValidation | validateMfa | Orchestration | Orchestration to validate MFA (second authentication factor) and get identity attributes for the user from Infinity. |
SearchPushDevicesOrch |
getDevices |
Orchestration |
Orchestration to fetch the userid and then gets the list of devices associated with the user. |
Java Services
Service Name | Purpose | Called by (Service Name-Operation) |
HIDPollForConsensus |
Java service which keeps polling for 45 seconds to get the status of the HID Approve Push notification sent to the user. |
HIDPollConsensus-getHIDApprovalStatus |
Listener Endpoints (HTTP Servlets)
Name | URL | Purpose | Dependencies |
ApproveCallBackEndpoint | |
Listen to the callback response sent by the HID Authentication Service for the user's response to the HID Approve Push notification. |
Authentication Pre/Post Processors
Names | Description | Used by (ServiceName-Operation) |
GetBearerTokenPostProcessor |
Gets the access token from the result and adds it to the DataControllerRequest. |
ClientAuthIdentityWrapper-getClientBearerToken |
GetDevicesOrchPostProcessor |
Processes the output of the get devices orchestration service, adds an error message to the result if any error occurs during the operation. |
SearchPushDevicesOrch-getDevices |
HIDApprovePostProcessor |
Inserts the client_notification_token from the service output to the cache for verification during the callback. |
HIDApproveInitiation-initiate |
SearchDeviceAuthPostProcessor |
Processes the output of Search devices for user service output to set the friendlyname, start date and expiry date to empty when the particular record in the collection does not have the value. (Post processor to fix the platform issue as collection does not work correctly on the Kony platform.) |
SearchServices-SearchDeviceAuth |
SearchUserAuthPostProcessor |
Processes the output of Search user service and sets the value of UserExist to true/false in DataControllerRequest to be used by other services. |
SearchServices-SearchUserAuth |
CustomMFAValidation |
Based on the input auth type, invokes the Integration service to authenticate the user for the second authentication factor and validates the MFA. |
CustomMFASelector-validateMFA |
CustomValidateAuthentication |
Based on the input auth type, invokes the Integration service to authenticate the user for the first authentication factor and generates the result data set for MFA validation. |
CustomFactorValidation-login |
GetBearerTokenPreProcessor |
Sets the value of x-kony-app-key and x-kony-app-secret in request header from the configured server settings KONY_APP_KEY and KONY_APP_SECRET respectively. |
ClientAuthIdentityWrapper-getClientBearerToken |
HardwareOTPAuthPreprocessor |
Sets the value of AuthenticationType in the input for the request if configured in the server settings HARDWARE_OTP_AUTHTYPE. If not configured, takes the default value (AT_OTP). |
OTPAuthServices-hardwareOTPAuth |
HIDApprovePreprocessor |
Generates the login_hint_token and client_notification_token for the HID Approve Push notification initiate request. |
HIDApproveInitiation-initiate |
OTPValidationPreprocessor |
Sets the value of AuthenticationType in the input for the request if configured in the server settings OOB_SMS_OTP_AUTHTYPE, OOB_EMAIL_OTP_AUTHTYPE or SECURE_OTP_AUTHTYPE. If not configured, takes the default value (AT_OOBSMS/AT_OOBEML/AT_EMPOTP). |
OTPAuthServices-validateOTPAuth |
PasswordValidationPreprocessor |
Sets the value of AuthenticationType in the input for the request if configured in the server settings PASSWORD_AUTHTYPE. If not configured, takes the default value (AT_STDPWD). |
PasswordAuthServices-passwordValidation |
SearchDeviceAuthPreProcessor |
Verifies if the user exists from the Search User service output. If not, then adds the error message to the service output. |
SearchServices-SearchDeviceAuth |
Risk-based User Authentication
HID Temenos Infinity Component additionally supports an adaptive and risk-based authentication. It is optional i.e., You can enable or disable this functionality based on your needs.
HID Risk Management Solution provides this threat detection solution for real time risk-based authentication.
HID Temenos Infinity Component enables you to easily integrate with the HID RMS Web component and use the risk-based Login flow as an add-on feature available as part of User Authentication (this section) component.
Refer HID RMS Web component - Login flow for more information.