Getting Started


  • A Temenos  Kony Account
  • Kony Visualizer V9 SP1 (or later)
  • Kony Fabric V9.1 (or later)
  • An HID Authentication Service tenant with Organization Administrator permission.
Note: For testing purposes, you can use the test application provided by HID Global.

HID Cloud Services Configuration

Variable Type Description
ATR_CIBACB Attribute Attribute containing the CIBA Callback URL (<URL>/httplistener/cb/register)
AT_SYSLOG Authentication Policy Password authentication policy for system users and client IDs 
AT_PASA Authentication Policy Authentication policy for push authentication only (allowed credentials - CT_PASAV4)


Authentication Policy

Authentication policy for the OOB OTP via SMS authenticator


Authentication Policy

Authentication policy for the OOB OTP via Email authenticator


Authentication Policy

Authentication policy for the HID Approve OTP (Secure Code) authenticator


Authentication Policy

Authentication policy for the Hardware Token OTP authenticator

CH_CSTPORT Channel Authentication channel
CH_DIRECT Channel Channel to be used with the APIs (SDK, OpenID, SCIM)
CH_PASA Channel Channel for push authentication
DT_TDSV4 Device Type Device type corresponding to a container on a mobile app. A device of this type can hold the function's authenticator credentials.
UG_ROOT User Group Root user group for customers

Further reading:

HID Authentication Service Concepts

Authentication workflow with HID Approve

Import the Component

  1. Log on to Kony Visualizer and, from the left pane, select Marketplace.
  2. Search for HID Global and then select HID Global MFA Integration.
  3. In the component detail page, select Import To Collection Library.

    Note: You can also download the component as a zip file from the Kony Marketplace. To import the zip file, select the Import option in the File menu.

    After Visualizer downloads the component, you are prompted to enter the metadata for the component.

  1. Enter the following information:
    • Library Name -  A Library contains component collections and skins and the Name specifies the library into which you want to import the component. If the library does not exist, Visualizer creates a new one.
      For example, the Library could be called HIDOnboarding.
    • Collection Name -  A Collection contains multiple components and the Name specifies the collection into which you want to import the component. If the collection does not exist in the specified library, Visualizer creates a new collection.
      For example, the Collection could be called HIDComponents.
    • Component Name - This name specifies the name you want to use for the component in Visualizer.
      By default, the component name is com.hid.onboarding.
    • Description - Optional
  2. Click OK.
  3. After importing the component, you can drag and drop it from the Collection Library onto your form.
  4. Note: You can only add the HID Temenos Infinity Component to FlexForms, FlexContainers, and FlexScrollContainers.
  5. After adding the component to the form, verify that the fabric application is set up and the component is added in Templates > Components.
Note: There is a currently a known issue in the onboarding component where the qrcodegenerator component is missing. As a workaround, edit the onboarding form to include the qrcodegenerator component as follows:
  1. Go to Templates > Components > com.hid.onboarding component.
  2. Navigate to onboarding > flxDeviceRegistration > flxRegOptions and select flxQRMain.
  3. Right-click on com.konymp.qrcodegenerator and select Insert Into.
  4. Save the component.

Set Up the Component

After importing the component in to your Kony Fabric app, you need to provide your HID Authentication Service tenant details to the HID Onboarding component.

Configure the identity and integration endpoints to your respective HID Authentication Service Endpoint.

Identity Service

Services Token Endpoint value Client ID value Secret value
ClientIdentity openidclientid <your secret>

Integration Service

Services Base URL value
ActivationCodeService For example,


This is the Client SCIM Identity service link

For example:

Add Functions to the Component

By default, the Onboarding and UserManagement components use the com.konymp.qrcodegenerator component to generate the QR code. You can replace it by any other widget/component to generate the QR code.

The key functions are:

Onboarding Users

User Authentication

Transaction Signing with UI

User Management

User Administration

Running your Application

You can now build your app and run it on your device.

For further information, refer to the Kony Visualizer User Guide.

Contact Technical Support

For technical support or further information, contact HID Global.