Troubleshooting Web Component Fabric Services

You can troubleshoot and debug web component fabric services issues, allowing you to examine the response codes of fabric services associated with the following web components:

Onboarding Component

Name Operation Name Service Type Description Steps Response Body




Integration Wrapper of ClientIdentity.
HIDApproveInitiation initiate Integration Sends an HID Approve Push notification to the user's registered device.
OTPServices sendOOB Integration Sends an OOB OTP to the user.
ScimAPIs SearchUser Integration Searches for the user.
ScimAPIs createNewDevice Integration Creates a new Device ID for the user.
ScimAPIs getPasswordPolicy Integration Provides the Password policy.
ScimAPIs fetchUserDetails Integration Fetch for the user details.
ScimAPIs searchDevice Integration Search for the device.
ScimAPIs updateDeviceStatus Integration Updates the device status.
ScimAPIsOrg addOOBAuthenticator Integration Adds the OOB Authenticator.
OnboardingValidation validateUser Orchestration Adds a Password Authenticator.
PushDeviceRegistrationOrch getInviteCode Orchestration Provisioning Push Device.

User Authentication Component

Name Operation Name Service Type Description Steps Response




Integration Wrapper of ClientIdentity.
HIDApproveInitiation initiate Integration Sends an HID Approve Push notification to the user's registered device.
SearchPushDevicesOrch getDevices Orchestration Orchestration to fetch the user id and then gets the list of devices associated with the user.

User Management Component

Name Operation Name Service Type Description Steps Response




Performs a user search.
ChangePassword changeUserPassword Orchestration Changes the user's password.
SearchDervices SearchDevices Orchestration Searches for the device.
ScimAPIs createNewDevice Integration Creates a new DeviceId.
ScimAPIs updateDeviceStatus Integration Updates the device status.