Assign User Roles & Groups to an Identity

Identity Roles

Roles control access to features and capabilities within the HID Visitor Manager platform. In other words, a user's role defines the level of read/write access that the user has for a particular functionality.

  1. From the App Launcher, select the Identities application.

  2. Search and select identity record and navigate to User Roles & Groups sub-tab, assign the appropriate roles to the identity as required.

  3. In the Identity Roles section, click ADD/REMOVE ROLES to add roles to an identity.

  4. Click on the desired roles and click CLOSE.

  5. Click SAVE to save the identity record.

Identity Groups

The list of user groups assigned to the identity is displayed. To see which roles are associated with a user group, click on the roles link against each identity.

  1. In the Identity Groups section, click ADD/REMOVE GROUPS toassign groups to an identity.

  2. Click on the desired group and click CLOSE.

  3. Click SAVE to save the identity record.