Unlock Devices and Reset Number of Tries

When a user exceeds the maximum number of times he or she can unsuccessfully attempt to connect to the server, the device locks. Unlock the device by using the Help Desk.

  1. In the tree in the left pane of the Administration Console, select Help Desk, then search for a user by using the drop-down list of LDAP queries. Optionally, enter a User ID or Device serial number in the appropriate field.
  2. Select the user from the Search Results display, then click Help Desk. The Help Desk dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select Unlock and reset num of tries to unlock the device.

    • If the device is locked because the user has exceeded the number of unsuccessful tries allowed, check that the authentication device is correctly synchronized with the server. Resynchronization automatically unlocks the device.
    • If the user’s authentication device is locked because the user entered too many wrong PIN codes, use Unlock PIN code (see Unlock Device/PIN Code ).