Registration-listener Sample

This sample is a small web application that is intended to be deployed on an application server.

The HTTP Registration Listener sample illustrates how messages are posted to the HTTP callback URL when a device registration succeeds.

It also illustrates how to get feedback on client side (in a web browser) using Ajax polling.

Install the Sample

  1. Unzip the Push_Authentication_Sample\' file to the destination of your choice (for example, a Registration-listener-sample' folder).

  2. On your system where you plan to deploy this sample web application, create a base folder for the sample configuration files.

    For example, C:\sample\RegistrationListener on Microsoft Windows or /opt/ RegistrationListener on Linux, referred to as <SAMPLE_HOME> in the rest of this section.

  3. Copy the config folder from the unzipped delivery to <SAMPLE_HOME>.

  4. Replace <REGISTRATION_LISTENER_HOME> in config/ with <SAMPLE_HOME>.

  5. Deploy the 'ac-4tress-registration-listener-sample.war' application on your application server. The context root is “RegistrationListener”.

  6. Define the configuration home for this sample:

    • For a JBoss application server, in the JBoss administration console, under Configuration, go to  System Properties and add the following property:
    • REGISTRATION_LISTENER_HOME with your <SAMPLE_HOME> as the value.

    • For a WebSphere application server, in the WebSphere administration console, go to Application servers, server-ActivID, Process definition, select Java Virtual Machine, and then edit the Generic JVM arguments by adding the following:

Run the registration-Listener Sample

As soon as the application is deployed, it starts listening on the following URL:


The sample is accessible using one of the following URLs:




All the messages received on the callback URL are displayed in a text zone.

Messages already received can be erased by clicking the Clear.

The format of the messages received on the HTTP callback is:

"domain": "ONLINEBANK",
"usercode": "myTestUser",
"deviceid": "11924"

See HTTP Callback Notifications Message Format.