Managing Password Authentication
As a Help Desk operator, you can create and manage static passwords A password or PIN, used in combination with a username for authentication. in the user's Details page.

The following list details the data required to create a Static Password authentication record:
- User Name – Must be unique for the authentication policy and conform to the set constraints, such as minimum/maximum length and alphanumeric requirements. It cannot be changed once the authenticator is created.
- Password – Must conform to the constraints set in the authentication policy, such as minimum/maximum length and alphanumeric requirements.
- Status – Status of the authentication record (Enabled or Disabled.) The default status is Enabled.
If set to Disabled, the user will not be able to log on using this authentication record. - Valid From – The date from which the authenticator will be valid for use. Use dd/mm/yyyy format. The default valid from date is the current date.
- Valid To – Date until which the authenticator will be valid for use. Use dd/mm/yyyy format. The default value is derived from the Valid days on the creation field specified for the authentication type.
- Maximum number of successful authentications – The number of times a user can authenticate to ActivID AS using this authentication record before he must change his password.
The authentication policy you select to create an authentication record governs the composition of the authentication record (for example, whether or not the password is seeded).
When you create the authenticator, you can change the default values derived from the authentication policy only in respect of the expiration date and expiration threshold.
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