Authenticate with the OpenID Authorization Flow

Prerequisites: Create an OpenID client adapter to support the OpenID Authorization code flow (for example, via Dynamically Register an OpenID Client ):

Note: In the Authorization Code flow, the ActivID AS server supports both confidential and public clients - in the Token Endpoint Authentication Method parameter field, enter the required OpenID client authentication method:
  • For public clients, enter none.
  • For confidential clients, enter one of the supported authentication methods (client_secret_basic, client_secret_post, private_key_jwt and client_secret_pki).

For further information, see Configuring OpenID Connect Support of Public Clients.

The Authorization Code Flow consists of the following steps:

  1. The client prepares an Authentication Request containing the required request parameters:

    • Request with minimum parameters for a confidential client:

    • Request with minimum parameters for a public client:

  1. The client sends the request to the Authorization Server.

  2. The request can be sent via the HTTP method – either GET or POST.

  1. The Authorization Server authenticates the end user:

    1. The ActivID AS Server receives an authentication request from the OpenID’s client.

      Where the OpenID client’s configuration parameters are:

      • Channel – CH_SSP
      • Authentication Policy – AT_CUSTPW
    2. The ActivID AS server authentication portal displays a login page:

    3. The default the authentication method is determined by the OpenID client’s configuration.

      The end user can also select another authorized authentication method from those available in login page, if they have a valid credential and authenticator authorized for the configured channel.

  1. The Authorization Server obtains the end user’s Consent/Authorization.

    Once the end user successfully authenticates with their credential, the ActivID AS server will generate an authorization code and prompt the end user to sign a consent before sending the authorization code to redirect URI passed in previous authentication request.

  2. Note:  
    • The redirect URI sent in the authentication request must match one of URIs defined in OpenID client’s configuration.

    • This step can be bypassed if the client has an alternative means of obtaining the end user’s consent. For further information, see Enabling OpenID Connect Claims and Prompting User for Consent.

  1. The Authorization Server redirects the end user back to the client (redirect URI) with an authorization code.


    The format of authorization code is configured in the OpenID client’s configuration:

    The supported values are:

    Type Format Validity (ms) Length


















    Alpha Numeric




    Alpha Numeric



  1. The client sends the code to the token endpoint to obtain an Access Token and ID Token in the response:


    Sample request for a confidential client

    POST https://[base-server-url]/{tenant}/authn/token HTTP/1.1Authorization: Bearer RTp7HwAAAWWj8IUbUYXmgm2p2y3d0ZsqhhR+rJtT

    Where client authentication is required (in the above example, the bearer token is obtained by a client authentication at the token endpoint).


    Sample request for a public client

    POST https://[base-server-url]/{tenant}/authn/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    grant_type=authorization_code&code=40823936&client_id=spl-api&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost &code_verifier=CmUuMpOKy1Y%2FMFmjN2pHxdby17DeQgC8dSWMIiEL%2Bc%2B0Lnp47FphzeB%2B012i6WVTv0A07N3QvcJU9asqr3byfg%3D%3D

    Where the code_verifier corresponds to the code_challenge sent in the previous request to the authentication endpoint. For further information, see Leveraging Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) in the Authorization Code Grant Flow.


    Sample response

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
       "access_token": "TXsPRQAAAWWj8QFOO51UR7Ow/yCnEZMMP6OMwfg/",
       "id_token": "eyJraWQiOiIxNTM0NDI5MTA0Njg1IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJz…Zc3Mq9Q",
       "token_type": "Bearer",
       "expires_in": 3599
  1. The client validates the tokens and retrieves the end user’s Subject Identifier.

    The client can verify the signature of the id_token with the ActivID AS server’s signing certificate retrieved from the jwks endpoint:

    1. Once the signature is verified, the client can parse the id_token content:

        "at_hash": "wcvmNj4esm3….", 
        "sub": "test01",
        "aud": "spl-api",
        "iss": "",
        "exp": 1536057405,
        "iat": 1536053805,
        “acr”: 2
    2. Once the client validates the ID Token, it can use the end user’s access token to access the protected resources during a validity period.

Note: The client can also ask for a refresh token in order to get a new token without prompting the end user to authenticate again when the access token expires. For further information, see Configuring Support for Refresh Tokens.