Configuring the Operator Workstation
This section describes how to configure the operator workstation for issuing devices. For detailed instructions about using the ActivID CMS Operator Portal to issue devices, refer to Issuing Devices.
The following table lists the actions required to configure the workstation.
Refer to ActivID CMS System Environment for the list of supported environments.
Action |
See |
Run one of the following supported Windows operating systems.
N/A |
Install ActivClient 7.1 (or higher version) middleware and a smart card reader. If using ActivID CMS to issue cards via PKCS #11, then install the associated PKCS #11 middleware instead of ActivID ActivClient. Important: Starting with ActivID CMS 5.8, the ActivID ActivClient middleware is no longer required if you are using a Chrome or Edge browser. For more details about using these browsers, refer to About Using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge Browsers.
Note: :
The HID ActivID ActivClient documentation. |
Install a biometric service provider (optional, for government use only). |
N/A |
Install credentials for the first operator. |
Section Install Credentials for the First Operator on the Workstation. |
Connect a printer and its drivers. |
Section Card Printers. |
Configure the card printer settings. |
Install printing software on the printer to print user information (for example, name, picture) on a smart card during device issuance. ActivID CMS supports:
The appropriate manufacturer’s documentation for installation instructions. |
Users must be able to:
Log on to, and have administrator privileges on, the workstation.
Download signed .cab files or .jar files from the ActivID CMS server.
Run signed Java™ applets and ActiveX® controls.
Download and set up client components (.dll and .jar files) and connect to the CA and the CA directory to set up Entrust Profiles.
Topics in this section: