Configuring a PKI Application Using a Microsoft CA

For detailed instructions on how to configure a PKI application using a Microsoft CA, see the example in Creating a Device Policy completed by the section below.

Customizing the Subject Alternative Name for Microsoft PKI Applications

Prerequisites: In order to customize the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for a Microsoft PKI application, you must make sure that:

To customize the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for a Microsoft PKI application, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the PKI Application Configuration page. For detailed instructions how to get to this page, see Creating a Device Policy.

  2. Customize Subject Alternative Name option—Select Yes.

    Additional fields will appear as shown below.

  3. User Principal Name option—Corresponds to the single-valued GeneralName “otherName”. Default value is %ATTR.userPrincipalName% (dynamic).

    With the User Principal Name set in the syntax “%ATTR.userPrincipalName%”, ActivID CMS will compute the attribute using the LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol attribute “userPrincipalName”. The attribute will be added as GeneralName “otherName” with the OID = "" (OID for UPN).

  4. Email Address option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “rfc822Name”. Default value is %ATTR.mail% (dynamic).

    With the default set in the syntax “%ATTR.mail%”, ActivID CMS will generate the attribute using the LDAP attribute “mail”.

  5. DNS Name option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “dNSName”. The attribute can be multi-valued (use “&” as separator). The value is static by default.

  6. X400 Address option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “x400Address”. The attribute must be in “ASN.1 base64-encoded” format. The value is static by default.

  7. Directory Address option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “directoryName”. The attribute can be multi-valued (use “&” as separator). The attribute is static by default.

  8. EDI Party Name option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “ediPartyName”. The attribute must be in “ASN.1 base64-encoded” format. The attribute is static by default.

  9. URL option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “uniformResourceIdentifier”. The attribute can be multi-valued (use “,” as separator). The attribute is static by default.

  10. IP Address option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “iPAddress”. The attribute can be multi-valued (use “&” as separator). The attribute is static by default.

  11. Registered ID option—Corresponds to the GeneralName “registeredID”. The attribute can be multi-valued (use “&” as separator). The attribute is static by default.

  12. OIDs for ASN.1 Base64-encoded Other Names option—A list of comma-separated OIDs for ASN.1 Other Names are in Base64 format. No default attribute. The attribute is static by default.

    The number of OIDs must match the number of values in the “Values for ASN.1 Base64-encoded Other Names” parameter.

    The following screenshot illustrates the setting of two elements: and

  13. Values for ASN.1 Base64-encoded Other Names option—A list of comma-separated values for ASN.1 Other Names are in Base64 format. No default value. The attribute is dynamic by default.

    The number of values must match the number of OIDs in the “OIDs for ASN.1 Base64-encoded Other Names” parameter.

  14. OIDs for Binary Other Names option—A list of comma-separated OIDs for Other Names with a binary value. No default attribute. The attribute is static by default.

    The number of OIDs must match the number of values in the “Values for Binary Other Names” parameter.

    The example above illustrates the setting of two elements: 2.16.840. =%ATTR.piv:FASCN% and

  15. Values for Binary Other Names option—A list of comma-separated values for Other Names with a binary value. No default value. The value is dynamic by default.

    The number of values must match the number of OIDs in the “OIDs for Binary Other Names” parameter.

Note: If some of the fields above are left empty, they will not be populated in the SAN.

Using ECC Keys with Microsoft Card Authentication Applications

Prerequisites: If using ActivClient, version 7.3 is required to use ECC keys.
Note: ActivClient is not required if you are using the ActivID CMS Client.
Important: In the current version of ActivID CMS, ECC keys can only be used with Card Authentication applications for the Microsoft CA with either “PIV - Crescendo C2300 FIPS” or “CIV - Crescendo C2300 FIPS” profiles. For more details about these device profiles, refer to Device Profiles and Hardware Devices.

The procedure for configuring a Card Authentication application is the same as described more generally in Creating a Device Policy. Note that on the Configure Card Authentication Application page, the Asymmetric Key Type and Key Size corresponding to the selected template are automatically displayed: