Log in to an operating system account with Administrative privileges.
Make sure that your server meets the minimum system requirements for the Smart Data Bridge software. See section System Requirements.
Make sure that you have reviewed the configuration options described in section Configuration Overview to determine which options meet the requirements of your Smart Data Bridge installation.
Create a new user to act as the user for the installation and configuration of the Smart Data Bridge.
For security reasons, switch from the root user to the new “user for installation and configuration of the Smart Data Bridge”.
Note: You do not have to do anything as the root user unless explicitly stated in this document. -
If installing Smart Data Bridge on Windows, Java Development Kit (OpenJDK 11) from is required.
If installing Smart Data Bridge on Linux, Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (OpenJDK 11) from is required.
Run the ActivID Smart Data Bridge installer one time. If you try again after you have successfully installed, then the following warning message will be displayed.