Editing Customized Brand

Important: You cannot edit the default brand.

When required, you can make the changes to your custom brand by following the below steps:

  1. Sign in to Administration portal.

  2. Click Settings in the left navigation bar to open the Settings page.

  3. Click Customize Brand & Content on the Settings page to view the list of brands.

  4. From the list of brands, choose a brand you want to edit.

  5. View Brand page opens. Click EDIT to edit the custom brand.

  6. Edit Brand page opens and do the required changes in Customization and Content tabs.

    You can change the orientation, background colors, background image, and logo based on your requirement in Customization tab.

    Note: You can change the background colors for Left & Right orientation and background image for Center orientation.

  7. In Content tab, you can edit the content of login screen, consent, error messages, and all the authentication types.

    Apart from the default languages English and French, you can also add the following four languages with ADD LANGUAGE.

    • German

    • Portuguese

    • Spanish

    • Swedish

    Choose a language from the drop-down and click PROCEED to add the language. Once the language is added, you can fill all the fields of the sign-in page sections.

  8. If required, you can delete the previously added language with DELETE LANGUAGE.

    Delete Language confirmation dialog box appears, click OK to delete the language.

    If you want to cancel the operation, click CANCEL.

    Important: You cannot delete the default languages English and French.

  9. Click SAVE to save the changes and get back to the list of brands page.

  10. To cancel the operation, click CANCEL.