Installing the Client Components

DigitalPersona clients may be installed individually on computers or deployed through Active Directory GPO, SMS (Systems Management Server) or logon scripts.

They cannot be installed through ghosting or imaging technologies.

DigitalPersona Workstation and Kiosk are included in the DigitalPersona Logon for Windows and DigitalPersona Premium configurations.

  • Specific versions of the clients are required depending on whether you are using DigitalPersona AD or DigitalPersona LDS configurations.

  • Within the documentation, the term DigitalPersona client is used when describing features or behavior common to all of the listed clients (except the Lite Client). References to DigitalPersona Workstation or DigitalPersona Kiosk or DigitalPersona Lite Client will be made in places that are applicable to only those clients.

  • Any references to procedures or UI elements, and all images, are always to the current version of the product unless another version is specifically referenced.

DigitalPersona Workstation

DigitalPersona AD Workstation is the primary full-featured client application for end users, providing an intuitive means for increasing both security and convenience through a variety of administrator and end-user configurable options including enrollment and use of multiple credentials, and the use of automated logons for enterprise resources, programs and websites.

The client enforces security and authentication policies on managed Windows computers while providing intuitive access to end-user features and functionality. It may be centrally managed by an DigitalPersona AD Server.

There are specialized versions:

  • DigitalPersona AD Workstation - Single end-user client that works with the DigitalPersona AD Server (which requires extension of the Active Directory schema).

  • DigitalPersona LDS Workstation - Single end-user client that works with the DigitalPersona LDS Server (using AD LDS which does not require extension of the Active Directory schema)

For installation instructions, see Installing DigitalPersona AD Workstation.

For a full description of its features, see Using DigitalPersona Workstation.

DigitalPersona Kiosk

DigitalPersona AD Kiosk are client applications managed by an DigitalPersona AD Server, that are specifically designed for environments where users need fast, convenient and secure multi-factor identification on workstations shared by multiple users.

Although the Kiosk application uses a single Windows account, each DigitalPersona user logs in to the Kiosk with their own DigitalPersona credentials, gaining separately controlled access to resources, applications and data.

  • DigitalPersona AD Kiosk - Designed for workstations where multiple users need fast, convenient and secure multi-factor identification and access to shared resources. Works with the DigitalPersona AD Server (which requires extension of the Active Directory schema).

  • DigitalPersona LDS Kiosk - Designed for workstations where multiple users need fast, convenient and secure multi-factor identification and access to shared resources. Works with the DigitalPersona LDS Server (using AD LDS which does not require extension of the Active Directory schema).

For installation instructions, see Installing DigitalPersona AD Kiosk.

For a full description of its features, see Using DigitalPersona Kiosk.

DigitalPersona Lite Client

When used in conjunction with the DigitalPersona Web Management Components, enables the use of fingerprint and PKI Smart Card credentials with the DigitalPersona Identity Server, Web Administration Console and HID DigitalPersona Enrollment (on Microsoft Windows platforms and supported browsers only).

For installation instructions, see Installing the DigitalPersona Lite Client.

For a full description of its features, see Using the DigitalPersona Lite Client.

DigitalPersona Attended Enrollment

Attended Enrollment is a client application feature specifically designed for the supervised creation of DigitalPersona users and enrollment of their credentials.

It may be selected as a custom feature during the DigitalPersona AD Workstation installation.

For a full description of its functionality, see Using DigitalPersona Attended Enrollment.

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