Associate a Location(s) for an Employer

Assign a Location(s) to an Employer

To associate a location or multiple locations:

  1. Select Employer application from the App Launcher.

  2. Navigate to Employer record > Locations sub-tab.

  3. Click on ADD LOCATION.

  4. The Locations modal appears showing the list of locations and the associated buildings. If the location is not listed here, refer to Set up a Location to add a new location.

  5. Enable/disable the 'Opt out of company directory' for a specific location.

    1. If 'Opt out of company directory' option is not checked, the company will appear in their directory, it will be indexed and searchable in Kiosk.

    2. If 'Opt out of company directory' option is checked, the company is excluded from all directory listings in Kiosk.

  6. Click on the desired location record.

  7. Click CLOSE and SAVE the employer.

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