Post-Migration Steps
The following sections explain the steps that you might need to perform once the migration process is complete.
Apply the Non-Migrated Configuration
The following elements of the ActivID Appliance configuration are not migrated and should be re-applied.
Node-Specific Configuration
On each ActivID Appliance node:
If the new appliance does not share the same hostname as the migrated appliance, import the required certificates into the ActivID Appliance keystore
Set the System administrator account (root) password
As this account was NOT migrated, it is strongly recommended that you change the default password using the Linux commands the first time that you log on to the ActivID UNIX Terminal:
Username – root (cannot be changed)
Default password – password01
Make sure you keep a record of the password
The password must contain a minimum of 6 characters
Dual Mode (HA) Configuration
If your appliances are deployed for high availability with front-end appliances:
Install the front-end appliances with version 8.7 and import the back-end's Appliance Root CA certificate on the front-end appliance (see Installing the Front-End Applications).
Update the RADIUS Authorization Profiles and Check Before/Send After Attributes
The ActivID Appliance 8.7 embeds an updated version of the RADIUS third-party compared to the ActivID Appliance 8.6.
As a result of the migration, there are differences with the RADIUS dictionaries and attributes.
The migration process tries to identify and remove the authorization profiles, the check before and the send after configurations based on dictionaries/attributes that are no longer available.
If they are no longer available, the corresponding entries/references are deleted.
These deleted records are logged by the migration process. You can review the migration logs by generating a diagnostic package.
You must them update/recreate any authorization profiles affected by the differences.