View a User’s Details

  1. Follow the steps in Search for Users to search for the user.
  2. Click the user’s name in the User ID column to display the User’s Details page for that specific user.

The User Details page provides a complete view of the user profile.

Note: Some Help Desk tasks are available only to users in the local database, and others are available to users in the both the local database and the directories. Each of the following sections specifies the applicable condition where relevant.


The Summary section lists the user’s Information, Authentication Records and Devices.

Authentication method status indicators:

  • Green check mark – enabled.
  • Red cross – disabled/blocked.
  • Orange check mark – one or more channels are blocked for this authenticator or you do not have sufficient permissions to manage the device.


The User's Identity tab provides access to the available operations that can be performed to manage the user.

It also lists the user's read-only and editable User Attributes.


The Wallet tab lists the user's authentication records and devices.

From this tab, you can create and manage the user's authentication methods.


The Roles tab lists the roles enabled for the user and any available roles.


The Permissions tab lists the individual permissions and permission sets for the user.

You can assign, modify and remove individual permissions.

You can also view any inherited permission sets.

Permissions Inherited from Admin Group and User Role

The Permissions Inherited ... tab lists the permission sets assigned to the administration group to which the user belongs.