Export Initialized Devices

You can export initialized authentication devices so that they can be imported into another system.

Note: You must define an export key before you export devices. See Manage the Cipher Keys.
  1. From the Devices menu, click Export.

    The Device List displays devices that are stored in the repository.

  1. If you want to export devices not stored in the default repository, browse to select the appropriate repository (only Console users with rights to choose repositories can do this).

  2. If you want to display all devices from your repository tree level to the bottom of the tree, select the Display Devices in all Repositories option.

  3. By default, the Device Initialization Tool displays only those devices which have not yet been exported. If you want to view a complete list of all devices that have been exported in the past, select the Display Devices Already Exported option.

  4. In the Device List, select the devices that you want to export and use the arrows to move one device or several devices to the Export List.

  5. Important: By default for security reasons, the exported devices are deleted from the database. If you want to keep the devices in the database (not recommended), clear the Delete Devices Exported option. Starting with version 4.1, this option must be configured in the Security settings. See Configure Security Settings for details.
  1. Click OK.

  1. In the Export File field, enter a name for the export file, and click Browse to select a directory in which to write the export file. The supported export formats are:

  1. In the Export Key drop-down list, select the ciphering key to use to encrypt the export file.

    Alternatively, for stronger security, set a key or password, and click OK.

  2. Note: This key/password will not be memorized by the ActivID Device Initialization Tool.
  1. In the Export PIN drop-down list, select the ciphering key to use to encrypt the PIN The Personal Identification Number (PIN) code used to access a device’s services. Devices can only be used after a correct PIN is entered. device export file.

    Note: You can uncheck this option if you do not want to export the device PIN.
  2. Click Export Devices.

Important: Before importing the devices into the ActivID Authentication Server, make sure that a device type matching the device type value set by the Device Initialization Tools exists (see : ). If it does not, create the device type in ActivID Authentication Server. For further information, refer to the technical documentation provided with the ActivID Authentication Server.