Configuring Contactless Card
The contactless cards offer a secure and convenient way to authenticate. The Administration Portal allows an administrator to configure and manage the contactless cards for authentication.
You need to enable or whitelist the contactless cards before enrolling them for users.
In order to enable the contactless cards, follow the below steps:
Click Settings in the left navigation bar to open the Settings page.
Click Contactless Card on the Settings page, then contactless cards page opens.
Click the toggle button to On to allow users to enroll contactless cards through the Self-Service Portal and display the card filters along with their associated card technology types.
Important: If you click the toggle button to Off, it prevents users from enrolling contactless cards through the Self-Service Portal. However, users who have already enrolled contactless cards will still be able to authenticate.Note: To disable contactless card authentication for specific applications, ensure you update the respective Authentication Journey configurations. -
You can choose "Allow All" to use any of the card technology as an authentication method.
If you know the specific card technology you want to allow, you can manually select it from the drop-down menu.
Note: For better security, we suggest choosing the specific card technologies that your organization uses.Prerequisites: Make sure the "HID Authentication Device Client" application is installed on your system to add the contactless card. If not installed, please download and install the latest version of the device client. -
If you are unsure about the card technology that you want to add, click SCAN CARD and place a representative card on the card reader to detect it automatically.
"Add Card" pop-up appears with card details, then click ADD to add the card technology.
If the "HID Authentication Device Client" is not detected, then download and install the latest version of the device client.
If the installed version of the 'HID Authentication Device Client' is below the minimum supported version, a prompt will notify you that the device client is outdated and must be updated.
Note: Users cannot add a card unless the device client is updated to the minimum supported version. -
If the installed version of the 'HID Authentication Device Client' is below the latest available version, a prompt will notify you that a newer version is available.
Note: Users can add a card even if a prompt notifies them that the device client is outdated. However, it is recommended to update the device client to the latest version for better security. -
If the card reader is not detected, then connect the card reader to your system.
If the card is not detected, then place the card close to the card reader.
Click SAVE and a message will appear confirming that the selected cards have been successfully whitelisted.
Now, users can use the Self-Service Portal to enroll the added contactless cards.