Search for Devices

You can search for one or more device(s) by device serial number, device type, and expiry date.

To search the device(s), follow the below steps:

  1. Sign in to Administration Portal.

  2. Click Devices in the left navigation bar.

  3. In the Devices page, specify one or more search criteria:

    • Enter the Device Serial Number.

      Note: You can also use a wild card character (*) as a search criteria.
    • From the Device Type drop-down list, select a device type.

    • If appropriate, enter the Expiry Date.

  4. Click SHOW RESULTS to view the searched device(s).

    • If no devices are found matching your criteria, No results found message is displayed.

    • If one or more matching record is found, follow the instructions in Viewing an Imported Device to view details of a device.