Configuring the Identity Provider

The new HID Authentication Service Identity Provider (IdP) provides a reactive interface and authentication flow designed to optimize the user experience from enrollment to advanced authentication.

You can also fully localize and rebrand the interface to meet your organization's requirements.

Important: It is strongly recommended that you review and tune the generated Authentication Journey.

For example - an authentication flow using static password with push-based authentication for step-up:

Legacy IdP Configuration New IdP Workflow

Static password:

  • Authentication policy - Standard Password Policy (AT_STDPWD)

  • Authentication template - Username/Password

Static password is available as a first factor (LOGIN type) with supported actions (change/reset password):

    "factorId": "factor.first_AT_STDPWD",
    "code": "AT_STDPWD",
    "stepUp": "automatic",
    "type": "LOGIN",
    "actions": [
    "accessCriteriaId": "access_criteria.common_to_all",
    "retry": 3


  • Authentication policy - Push Authentication (AT_PASASTD)

  • Authentication template - Push-Based Authentication

Push authentication is available as second factor (PUSH type) after validation of the static password:

    "factorId": "factor.second_AT_PASASTD",
    "code": "AT_PASASTD",
    "type": "PUSH",
    "upon": [
    "accessCriteriaId": "access_criteria.common_to_all",
    "retry": 3

The supported authentication flows are:

  • LDAP Password + OOB (auto-enrollment)

  • LDAP Password + Push

  • Static Password

  • OTP

  • OTP + Static Password

  • Static Password + Push

  • Static Password + OOB (SMS and email)

  • Activation code + OTP

  • Static Password management (change and reset)

  • Authentication policies with type SEEDED and SEED_ANY are ignored

  • All existing authenticators remain valid so your end users will not be required to re-enroll their credentials

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