HID Approve SDK Release Notes
This page provides the latest information about the HID Approve SDK.
HID Approve SDK 5.7.1 for iOS
What's New
The SDK End User License Agreement (EULA) has been updated
The SDK samples have been updated to demonstrate usage of the new API entry points
The SDK online documentation has been enriched with new code snippets (Swift/Objective-C)
Modulemap - to support framework target integrations, the XCFramework package now includes a clang modulemap header
XCFramework - the SDK now supports bitcode
SSL sessions are now gracefully closed in case of failure during container creation or renewal
Several deprecated API has been removed from this release. For further information, see Updates to the HID Approve SDK for Apple iOS.

- To simplify the integration of applications leveraging this SDK, the HID Approve SDK for iOS is now delivered in a single XCFramework bundle instead to two separate frameworks (respectively for iOS and iOS simulator). For more information, see Add the SDK to Your App
- Support of iOS simulator running on Apple M1 chip has been added.

- HIDDevice newInstance now return a singleton
- HIDContainer createContainer now contains parameters for context information in the listener
- The SDK cryptography now fully relies on Apple Security Frameworks
- iOS versions 10.0 and 11.0 are no longer supported
- The SDK Sample provides a change password menu to illustrate this feature
- Documentation has been updated to specify possible exceptions on some functions and methods
HID Approve SDK 5.7.1 for Android
What's New
The SDK End User License Agreement (EULA) has been updated
Several SDK third parties have been updated
The SDK samples have been updated to demonstrate usage of new the API entry points
The SDK online documentation has been enriched with new code snippets (Kotlin/Java)
Proguard rules - to ease integration with Proguard/DexGuard/D8 obfuscation, a default rules file has been included in the AAR package
Upgrade from the mobile application using HID Approve SDK version below 5.1 is no longer supported. As a consequence, the issue encountered when migrating from versions earlier than SDK v5.1 no longer applies.
SSL sessions are now gracefully closed in case of failure during container creation or renewal
Several deprecated API has been removed from this release. For further information, see Updates to the HID Approve SDK for Google Android.

Simplified integration for applications leveraging this SDK to use biometrics to protect containers (where the container policy is biometric or password). For further information, see Updates to the HID Approve SDK for Google Android.
Bug fixes:
- PasswordPolicy getCurrentAge() now returns a valid value.
- The container registration no longer fails if the TEE is not working on the device. Instead, it now falls back to a software keystore if allowed by the configuration defined in the HID Authentication Service. [P2124-359]

Several SDK third parties have been updated.
- The SDK Sample provides a change password menu to illustrate this feature
- Documentation has been updated to specify possible exceptions on some functions and methods
- Minor bug fixes:
- Support for Level 3 'Strong' biometry. [IAHA-2266]
Support Registration for Arabic Interfaces. [P2124-331]
HID Approve SDK 4.8 for Windows
The SDK has been migrated to the Microsoft .NET 6.0 unified development platform for Microsoft Windows.
Before you start using the HID Approve SDK, see Getting Started.
For further information about the features and benefits of the advanced authentication solution, see Mobile Authentication & Transaction Signing.
For further information about integration with the HID authentication platform, see:
Deploying the ActivID Push-Based Validation Solution with ActivID AS
Deploying the ActivID Push-Based Validation Solution with ActivID Appliance
HID Approve with the HID Authentication Service
This section describes issues known by HID Global as of the release date, but which have not been addressed in the current product version. When possible, fixes and workarounds are suggested. This section also describes known limitations of this release.
HID Approve SDK for iOS
HID Approve SDK for Android
HID Approve SDK for Windows
Features unavailable with HID Approve SDK for Windows:
Multiple device type configurations on a single domain with Manual Activation are not supported [IAHA-1419]
Known Issues
HID Approve SDK for iOS
- Non-explicit error when using push-based validation (for authentication or transaction signing) and "silent lock" mode if the user's authentication record becomes blocked on the server-side (perhaps resulting from too many consecutive incorrect PIN/password attempts). [IAHA-2200]
HID Approve SDK for Android
- Non-explicit error when using push-based validation (for authentication or transaction signing) and "silent lock" mode if the user's authentication record becomes blocked on the server-side (perhaps resulting from too many consecutive incorrect PIN/password attempts). [IAHA-2200]
- Minor discrepancy for "silent lock" mode configuration validation between iOS/Android. When the lock type policy is set to "silent lock", Android will systematically enforce the presence of the "operation protection" key, while iOS only enforces it if either the "password" or "biometricorpassword" policies are set. In any case, to configure the "silent lock" mode correctly, the protection type should also be specified correctly. [IAHA-2201]
HID Approve SDK for Windows