ActivID ActivClient Agent

The ActivClient Agent 'watches' for smart card activity (insertion, activity, and removal), and starts the ActivClient User Console and other ActivClient tools.

ActivClient Agent Icons in the Notification Area

The ActivClient Agent icons display in the Windows notification area:

Green ActivClient Agent Icon indicating connected card. A smart card is inserted in the smart card reader
Red ActivClient Agent icon indicating that a smart card is being used. Smart card is being used. Do not remove the card until the icon turns green!
Empty Reader ActivClient Agent icon. Smart card reader is empty
No Reader detected ActivClient Agent icon. No smart card reader is detected
ActivClient starting up icon. ActivClient is starting up

ActivClient Agent Shortcut Menu Commands

To display the following commands, left or right-click on the ActivClient Agent icon in the Windows notification area.

ActivClient Agent Shortcut Commands

Command Description


Opens the ActivClient User Console.

Get One-Time Password Generates an OTP and copies it to the clipboard. OTP support must be installed and the card must be configured for OTP.
PIN Initialization Tool Opens the PIN Initialization Tool to initialize and choose a PIN code while erasing the content of the smart card.
Advanced Diagnostics Opens the Advanced Diagnostics wizard to thoroughly examine the environment and send information in an email to the help desk.
About Opens the About ActivClient window which displays information about ActivClient and the system.