ActivID ActivClient Components

ActivID ActivClient includes the following components:

  1. ActivID ActivClient Agent

    • Monitors smart card activities and provides quick access to ActivClient functionalities and tools.

  2. User Console

    • Provides a user-friendly interface for smart card usage, such as managing digital certificates, generating one-time passwords, and smart card management.

  3. PIN Initialization Tool

    • A utility for initializing, updating, and managing the PIN associated with smart cards.

  4. Advanced Diagnostics

    • Provides tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues related to smart cards, digital certificates, and system compatibility.

Accessing ActivClient Components

To launch an ActivClient component:

  1. Open the Windows Start Menu.

  2. Under ActivID ActivClient, click the tile for the desired component.

ActivClient start menu.